Dr. Amanda McWhirt
Fruit and Vegetable Crops, Horticulture Specialist
Phone: 501-671-2229
Dr. Aaron Cato
IPM for Horticulture Crops, Horticulture Specialist
Phone: 479-249-7352
Southeastern Plasticulture Strawberry School

Join us for a year-long webinar series covering the basics of commercial strawberry production! These six classes cover the major management practices and crop development that happen in each season of the year. Hear from experts across the southeastern region and follow along to learn how to set up, manage and grow your strawberry operation. Links to the presentation recordings will be available after each session. Funding provided by the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium.
Webinar Series
- Production Basics - Amanda McWhirt, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Irrigation Basics - Andre da Silva, Auburn University
- Fertility Basics - Mark Hoffmann, North Carolina State University
- Spider Mite Management - Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University
- Introduction to IPM Guides - Rebecca Melanson, Mississippi State University
- Frost Protection - Dave Lockwood, University of Tennessee
- Fertility Monitoring/Petiole Sampling -Kristin Hicks, North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
- Botrytis & Anthracnose Management - Guido Schnabel, Clemson University
- Sampling for Botrytis & Anthracnose Resistance - Phil Brannen, University of Georgia
- Flower Mapping - Edward Durner, Rutgers University
- Arthropod Management
- Post-Harvest Best Practices - Penny Perkins-Veazie, North Carolina State University
- Food Safety for Pick-Your-Own Markets - Lynette Johnston & Chris Gunter, North Carolina State University
- Pre-Harvest Considerations - Strawberry Grower Panel
- Soil Borne Disease Management - Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia
- Black Root Rot & Soil Applied Fungicides - Phil Brannen, University of Georgia
- Alternative Fumigants - Jayesh Samtani, Virginia Tech University
- Cover Crops & Crop Rotation - Amanda McWhirt, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Regional Cultivar Recommendations
Additional Resources
The 2021 Southeastern Strawberry School Webinar Series was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Webinar Award at the 2022 American Society for Horticultural Science Conference in Chicago, Illinois.