Arkansas Voter Education

Empowering Arkansas Voters
Along with presidential and congressional candidates, Arkansas' 1.7 million voters
in most years have statewide issues to decide, and in some cases, local issues dealing with taxes or community needs.
Because candidates dominate most election season coverage, it is very possible voters walk into the voting booth with little knowledge of the ballot issues before them.
Decisions might be based on the memory of the last campaign sign they saw or voters end up skipping the ballot issue all together because they don't want to vote on something they don't understand.
The Public Policy Center helps Arkansans better understand the financial, social or policy implications of a proposed law by publishing research-based fact sheets and by offering educational programs at the county level. Our goals are to increase voter participation and help Arkansans feel confident in their vote.
Be a part of Arkansas. Vote!
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- Read Extension's monthly ballot issue education newsletter here.
- Request a presentation on statewide ballot issues. Contact your local county agent or e-mail us for more information.
- Discover the history of the initiative process in Arkansas.
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Have a question about Arkansas' ballot issues? Email us at