Best Care - Face-to-face Training
Earn up to 10 hours of verified face-to-face training annually offered at many locations throughout the state.
Don't miss out on all the free training opportunities and resources available to child care professionals in Arkansas!
All child care training programs are offered free of charge by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service in partnership with the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education and the Professional Development Registry (PDR).
Listed below are four options for childcare training. Choose the one that's right for you!
Earn up to 10 hours of verified face-to-face training annually offered at many locations throughout the state.
Earn up to 5 hours of verified online training with new topics annually. Self-paced courses can be completed throughout the year.
Earn up to 30 hours of verified self-guided or 38 hours online training in topics related to child development, safety, nutrition, and more.
Earn up to 5 hours of PDR and ADE verified online training with new topics annually. These topics are geared toward providers who work with school age children in afterschool, summer, camp, or other out of school time programs.
(Formerly 4-H Afterschool)