The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.

Agriculture in Arkansas County
Agriculture is an integral part of the Arkansas County culture and is vital to the
economy of Arkansas County. The Arkansas County Cooperative Extension Service provides
several educational programs and some of these are listed below. To find out more
about these programs and services or to ask about one that may not be listed, please
contact Grant Beckwith, County Extension Agent - Staff Chair.
Commercial Agriculture programs and services available:
- Soil testing
- Pesticide Applicator Trainings
- Worker Protection Standards Trainings
- Insect and weed identification
- Plant disease diagnosis
- Sprayer calibration
- Row Crop Verification Field Program
- Row Crop Variety testing
- Water Testing
- Hay and other feeds analysis
- Chicken litter and other manure analysis
- BANGS vaccination program
- Arkansas Beef Improvement Program
- 300 Days of Grazing
- Farmers Market Program
- Vegetable and fruit production
Home and Garden services and programs available:
- Master Gardener Training
- Pest identification
- Plant and Lawn disease diagnosis
- Vegetable production
- Soil testing
- Lawn maintenance
- Vegetable production
- Horticulture production

4-H and Youth Development in Arkansas County
4-H is the "largest" youth organization in the world with 133,000 young people involved
in the Arkansas 4-H program. 4-H has been in existence over 100 years. 4-H clubs give
youth ages 5-19 an opportunity to participate in the youth development educational
program of the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture, Cooperative
Extension Service. Youth in 4-H clubs will learn life skills, enhance leadership skills,
and increase self-esteem while serving a number of community service projects. Youth
in 4-H Clubs have an opportunity to compete in a number of competitive activities,
attend camps, and earn scholarships for education. County Extension staff work with
4-H members and leaders.
4-H Clubs in Arkansas County
- Clover Kids 4-H Club
- Night Owl 4-H Club
- Prairie Angels 4-H Club
- Shooting Sports 4-H Club
- Spirit of '76 4-H Club
- Teen Leaders 4-H Club
4-H Activities in Arkansas County
- 4-H Poultry Chain
- 4-H Share The Fun
- 4-H Fashion Revue
- 4-H Method Demonstration
- 4-H Rally Day
- 4-H Broiler BBQ
- 4-H Giant Pumpkin & Watermelon
- 4-H County Convention
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- 4-H Yoga for Kids
- 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project
- School Enrichment Programs

Family and Consumer Sciences in Arkansas County
Helping Arkansans enhance their quality of life through education is the goal of Family
and Consumer Sciences. We deliver programs and information aimed at making life better,
healthier and safer for individuals, families and communities. For more information
about these programs contact Alta Lockley, 4-H/Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Arkansas County.
Food and Nutrition
- SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Smart Nutrition Active People)
School Nutrition Education Programs at DeWitt Elementary School, DeWitt Middle School
and Pattillo Center School
- Nutrition Education – Seniors, children, and families
- Nutrition Displays and Newsletters – Department of Human Services
Health and Aging
- Extension Get Fit Programs – Classes are held at 3 locations in Arkansas County
DeWitt Community Center Tues & Thurs 9:00 am
Cooperative Extension Service, DeWitt Tues & Thurs 8:00 am
First Baptist Church Stuttgart Tues & Thurs 7:30 am and 9:00 am
Marriage, Parenting and Family Life
- Child Care Provider Training Hours: Best Care, Guiding Children Successfully, See
the World through My Eyes, and Managing Stress
Financial Management
- Stretch Your Dollar and Stretching Your Food Dollar
- Navigating the Financial Journey – Directing referrals for Bankruptcy Education
- Disaster Information Packets
- Time Management programs
- Financial and Home Records Organization
Extension Homemakers Clubs
The mission of this organization shall be to empower individuals and families to improve
their quality of living through continuing education, leadership development, and
community service. Extension Homemakers programs in Arkansas County include
- Three Community Clubs and Members at Large
Key EH Club
New Providence/Turley EH Club
Prairie Gems EH Club
- Spring and Fall Council Meetings
- Special Community Projects
- Sponsor Senior Citizen's Day at County Fair
- Special Interest Workshops
- Crochet Connection
Arkansas County Master Gardeners
Master Gardener basic training classes involve 40 hours of intensive training covering the basics
of horticulture including lawns & ornamentals, fruits, trees, soils, insects & diseases,
and more. For information about becoming a Master Gardener volunteer in Arkansas
County, Contact Phil Horton, CEA-Agriculture at (870) 659-2058.