The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.
Boone County Agriculture
Boone County is home to over 1,250 farms making agriculture very important to the
economy of our county. Boone is one of the top 5 beef producing counties in the state,
with cow-calf operations being most predominant. Fruit and vegetable production are
also popular agriculture enterprises in the county. Boone County has an active Master
Gardener program that provides an opportunity for individuals interested in gardening
to learn and serve their communities. Contact our office for more information about
the following programs.
Beef Forage
Pesticide Training
Vegetable Production
Fruit Production
Weed and Brush Control Programs
Cattle Insect Control
Pasture Insect Control
Master Gardener Training
Plant Identification
Lawn Maintenance
Plant Disease Diagnosis
Soil Testing Counseling
Horticulture Pruning and Maintenance
Photo: Cow/Calf Pair
Community & Economic Development
The Extension Community and Economic Development program works to strengthen Arkansas
communities, regions, and businesses through research-based education. Priorities
include teaching youth and adult entrepreneurs how to take advantage of untapped market
opportunities; helping communities and regions build local capacity to create vibrant
and resilient communities; identify and train active and effective youth and adult
leaders; and provide timely, credible, unbiased and research-based information and
education about public issues and increase citizen engagement. Contact our office
for more information about the following topics.
Youth Leadership Academy
Adult Leadership Programs
Arkansas Procurement Assistance Center
Ballot Issues Education Program
LeadAR (Lead Arkansas)
Breakthrough Solutions Program
County/Regional Socio-Economic Conditions
Photo: Volunteers participate in community planning meeting.
Family & Consumer Sciences
In Extension, we believe that healthy families are the cornerstone of healthy communities.
Family and Consumer Sciences puts practical, reliable, non-biased, research- based
information to work in people's lives, helping families find answers for living well,
raising kids, eating right, and spending smart. We are the reliable source of information
you can trust. Contact our office for more informationabout the following programs:
Food Safety and Food Preservation Education
Smart Nutrition Active People Education program (SNAP Ed.)
Basic Nutrition
Aging in Place
Extension Get Fit
The Parenting Journey
Child Care Provider Training
Be Medwise Arkansas
Healthy homes, Healthy People
Financial Management Education
Boone County Extension Homemakers
Photo: FCS agent, Trudy McManus conducting healthy meal planning program.

4-H Youth Development
The Boone County 4-H program provides opportunities for youth to acquire knowledge,
develop life skills, form attitudes, and practice behavior that will enable them to
become self directing, productive, and contributing members of society. The 4-H program
is made available to youth through community 4-H and project clubs, school enrichment
programs, and special interest workshops, over night camps, and day camps. 4-H youth
are involved in hands on activities from over 80 different project areas. In addition
to county activities, 4-H members may also participate in many state, regional, and
national camps and workshops. Contact our office for more informationabout the following
programs or topics or a 4-H club in your community.
County 4-H Camp
Regional and State 4-H Horse Show
County, District, and State 4-H O-Rama
Teen Leader Retreat
School Enrichment Programs
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Activities
Livestock Workshops and Programs
Judging Activities
Dairy Recipe and Broiler BBQ Contests
Leadership and Teamwork Training Programs
Citizenship Washington Focus
Teen Leader Conference
Equine Camp
4-H Poultry Chain
ATV Safety Rider Course
Safety Day for area 4th graders
Public Speaking Workshop
Photo: Boone County 4-H'ers participating in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math) program.