Extension Educational Programs & Service
Cleveland County, Arkansas
The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.
Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agriculture and Natural Resources is a vital part of Cleveland County and nobody understands
that better than the Staff at the Cleveland County Extension office. We provide a
variety of services, educational programs, and resources to meet the needs of our
county residents.
Some available services include:
- Soil analysis and interpretation (pasture, lawn, or garden)
- Plant disease diagnosis
- Hay nutrient analysis
- Manure analysis
- Insect identification and control strategies
- Weed identification and control strategies
- Sprayer calibration
- Water analysis
- Wildlife Food Plot recommendations.
Educational programs available:
- Beef and Forage production
- Private Pesticide Applicator training
- Vegetable Gardening/Production
- Turf Management
- Fruit Production
- Wildlife Management
- Farm Pond Management
- Ornamentals Selection/Management
4-H Youth Development

4-H Youth Development Programs connect youth to the resources of the University Of
Arkansas Division Of Agriculture system's, strengthening the next generation of inventors,
entrepreneurs and problem-solvers.
4-H and other youth activities and events inspire and shape youth, give them opportunities
to master skills, enrich their knowledge, and work with others who can positively
influence them.
To become involved in 4-H, contact the Cleveland County Extension office.
Community and Economic Development

Cleveland County Extension personnel work with the residents to help strengthen our
communities and businesses through research-based education.
Services provided include:
- education and technical assistance to strengthen local businesses
- assist the community to improve their social and economic well-being
- identify and train active and effective youth and adult leaders for community, county
and statewide leadership roles
- provide timely, credible, unbiased and research-based information and education about
public issues
Photo: Master Gardener and Fair Volunteer Serves As Exhibit Guide For Students During
Family and Consumer Sciences
Extension Homemaker Clubs empower individuals through
- continuing education
- leadership development
- community service
- over 7,000 hours volunteer service valued at over $167,000 to the county
- 6 Extension Homemaker Clubs: Friendship, New Home, Rye, Stitchin' Sisters, "Y" & County
Photo: Cleveland County Extension Homemakers Attend Arkansas Extension Homemakers
Clubs State Meeting
Health and Aging
Healthy lifestyle changes can reduce occurrence of chronic disease and improve overall
quality of life.
For information on how you can participate in these programs, contact the Cleveland
County Extension office.
Walk Across Arkansas is an eight-week walking program in which participants increase their physical activity
through walking or other aerobic activity.
"Lowered my cholesterol. The doctor took me off of my medication!" -Cleveland
County Walk Across Arkansas Participant
Photo: Fall Walk Across Arkansas Cleveland County Winning Team, Country Walkers
Strong Women and Men is a strength-training program for mid-life to older adults--designed to increase
strength, balance and flexibility. 
"This program gave me the motivation to exercise when I wouldn't have otherwise.
Got me up and moving!" -Participant Spring Walk Across Arkansas Cleveland County
Winners and Strong Women and Men
Photo: Mt. Olivet Strong Women and Spring Walk Across Winning County Team, Strong Walkers
Personal Finance
Navigating the Financial Journey is a multi-county program for learning money management skills. The program is open
to all consumers. Bankruptcy filers can receive a Certificate of Debtor Education.
Small Steps to Health and Wealth is a program for adults to gain knowledge, skills, and motivation related to choices
that can improve both health and personal finance behaviors.
Get Real, Here's the Deal is a financial management program for high school students. Youth are encouraged
to make wise financial lifestyle choices. As youth move from station to station they
make decisions based on their family size and affordability.
"I will now pay attention to how I spend my money!" -Get Real Here's the Deal Participant,
Rison High School

Photo: Get Real Here's the Deal, Rison High School
Best Care is a set of classes for early childhood professionals and others interested in learning
more about caring for young children. The program provides 10 hours of classes for
free that help to meet state requirements. For more information on how to participate,
contact the Cleveland County Extension office.

Photo: Best Care for Child Care Providers
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)
The SNAP-Ed programs are designed to educate adult and youth participants in making
healthy food choices within a limited budget and choosing a physically active lifestyle.
Photo: Kindergarten Students Growing Strong With Fruit and Vegetables
May - Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month. Please take time to take care of your mental health and
also of those around you. Our FCS experts have provided the following documentation.
1. Owning Your Feelings
2. Finding the Positive
3. Connecting with Others
4. Eliminate Toxic Influences
5. Creating Healthy Routines
6. Support Others
Cleveland County Master Gardeners

Cleveland County Master Gardener Program
The Master Gardener volunteer program provides an opportunity for individuals interested
in gardening to learn and serve their communities. To learn more about becoming a
Master Gardener, please contact the Cleveland County Extension Office, at 870-325-6321.
Photo: Master Gardeners & County Cultivators at Veterans Park.
Share Grounds Certified Kitchen Facilities

What is Share Grounds?
The Share Grounds project offers an innovative approach to bring solutions to rural
communities by utilizing existing facilities and infrastructure at the County Fairgrounds.
With certified kitchen space and technical support to start or grow your business,
the Share Grounds is the perfect place to scale up your food business.
For any questions please contact Angela Gardner at agardner@uada.edu or Amanda Perez aperez@uada.edu.
Visit our webpages for more information on local foods or the Share Grounds project.