The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.

Agriculture & Natural Resources
With over 700 farms producing a market value of over 25 million dollars in revenues
and more than 8% of the population directly employed by agriculture, Fulton County
maintains a strong presence in the Arkansas agriculture scene. Livestock and forages
are at the heart of Fulton County's agriculture industry, and the Fulton County Extension
Office works to provide the needed services and education to address the demands of
Fulton County producers. For more information, contact Anna Barnett the Fulton County Extension Agent.
Listed below are many of the services that we provide.
- Free soil testing service and analysis with customized fertilizer recommendations
- Forage and hay sampling (fee-based)
- Personalized forage reestablishment plans
- Farm visits
- Weed identification, management, and control recommendations
- On-farm demonstrations to validate recommended practice
- Home garden and fruit recommendations
- Agricultural workshops, meeting, and seminars
- Hands-on field days
Photo: Fulton County producers participate in broadcast seeder calibration instruction
at a livestock and forage field day.
4-H Youth Education
Agriculture and life skills education for the youth of Fulton County has always been
a strong part of the county 4-H program. Our aim is teach Fulton County youth about
the world around them through various competitive team events, individual livestock
exhibition projects, and club activities. Below are just a few of the many opportunities
for Fulton County youth to get involved in agriculture and natural resources!
To join Fulton County 4-H, give us a call or log in and enroll in 4-H. For more information, contact us at 870-895-3301.
- Grassland Evaluation Contest
- All-Star Steer Program
- Market Hog, Steer, Sheep, and Goat Projects
- 4-H Cooking Projects
- Beef Quiz Bowl
- District and State 4-H Horse Show
- Camp Fit and Fun
4-H O-Rama Events:
- Baitcasting
- Gun Safety and BB Shooting
- Forestry
- Crops and Weeds
- Ornamental Horticulture
- Grassland Plant ID
- Livestock Skills
Family & Consumer Sciences
The Fulton County Cooperative Extension Service hosts a variety of health and nutrition
programs including general education and more focused topics, such as diabetic management
and exercise. We offer a variety of educational topics and speakers, including meal
planning, foot care, medications, and exercise.
To be included in mailing announcements for the future meetings and events, contact
County Extension Agent, MaLinda Coffman.
- Diabetic Support Group
- Strong Women
- Cooking demonstration
- Food preservation workshops
- Financial literacy education
- Marriage, Parenting, and Family Life education
- Volunteer opportunities (Extension Homemakers Club & Wellness Ambassadors)
- Other various health and nutrition programs
Photo: FCS agent, MaLinda Mathis, providing diabetic education to Fulton County residents
Fulton County Master Gardener
The Fulton County Master Gardeners strive to provide adult and youth educational opportunities
and community beautification to Fulton County. As part of their membership, members
are require to volunteer their time to the people of Fulton County through various
4-H activities and beautification projects.
For more information about joining the Fulton County Master Gardeners, contact the
Fulton County Extension Office.
Photo: Every spring the Fulton County Master Gardeners have marked the coming of spring with
a tulip display for all the residents of Fulton County to enjoy.
Current Fulton County Master Gardeners, enter your hours here.