Howard County 4-H Youth Getting Back to Normal
What are some of the activities Howard County youth participated in this spring?
Nashville, Ark. – Howard County 4-H has been getting back to normal the past few months.
Since February, youth have had the opportunity to participate in a number of events and activities, such
as Bread and Cookie Contest, Arkansas Food Challenge, Dairy and Egg Contest, County
O’Rama, Howard County Barbeque Contest/Workshop, and four At Home 4-H Educational
We also had two state winning recordbook submissions: Sarah L. with her STEM: Animal Science, and Killis W. with his STEM: Engineering and Technology.
Two youth were named Arkansas Teen Stars: Sara L. and Adelene W. To be recognized for this honor, you must be able to demonstrate how you are an active member of 4-H in your county, district, and state and give a description of the project work you have been doing over the past years.
Allie M. and Alex T. have been selected for 4-H State Ambassador interviews that will take place in June. During this process they will sit through an interview, give a 4-H promotional speech, and answer questions that pertain to their project area.
We are proud of all the hard work all the youth have been doing during this time of nontraditional 4-H programming due to Covid-19.
Howard County 4-H has a busy summer planned as we continue to get back to normal in-person programs. This summer we have a wide variety of programs such as cloverbud day camps, more food challenge workshops, quilt trail workshop, livestock day camps, and cooking schools to name a few.
If you are interested in joining 4-H, contact Samantha Horn at 870-845-7517 or email her at The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
By Samantha Horn
County Extension Agent-Agriculture
The Cooperative Extension Service
U of A System Division of Agriculture
Media Contact: Samantha Horn
County Extension Agent-Agriculture
U of A Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
421 N. Main Nashville AR 71852
(870) 845-7517
The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative
action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need
materials in another format, please contact your County Extension office (or other
appropriate office) as soon as possible. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay.
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension
and Research programs to all eligible persons without regard to race, color, sex,
gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital
or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and
is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.