Howard County Family & Consumer Sciences
Twenty-four percent (24%) of Howard County residents state their health is poor. Family
& Consumer Science programs are delivered to address this concern. The Right Bite
Cooking School for Diabetics, Mediterranean Cooking School, Tai Chi, Strong Women,
and Stress Management are just some of the programs conducted. Other programs include
Child Care Provider Training, Financial Management Education, Estate Planning, and
monthly educational programs through the Extension Homemakers Clubs provide additional
program support.
Photo: Jean Ince conducting Tai Chi for arthritis.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Nutrition education programs are conducted with both adult and youth audiences across
the county. Over 6100 people are reached multiple times through educational programs,
newsletters and exhibits. Nutrition programs include Cook Smart, Eat Smart; and Eating
Smart Being Active for adult audiences; and Food, Fun and Reading; Pick a Better Snack;
and Grow It, Try It, Like It for youth audiences. Last year, over 200 educational
events were conducted in five schools. Participants learn to make healthy food choices,
shop wisely at the grocery store, and taste new, delicious recipes their families
will love.
Photo: Learning about healthy fruit and vegetables through Pick a Better Snack program
at Mineral Springs Elementary.
Commercial Agriculture
Keeping producers informed of the latest technology and management practices available
makes them competitive in agriculture production. Agriculture is the number 1 industry
in Howard County. The agriculture commodities produced here are varied. They include:
beef, forages, poultry, forestry, fruits, and ornamental horticulture.
Services available:
- Soil Testing
- Soil Test Counseling
- Hay/ Forage Testing
- Ration Development
- Manure analysis
- Plant Disease Diagnosis
- Plant Identification
- Sprayer Calibration
- Feed Analysis
Educational Programs Available:
- Beef and Forage
- Computer Ration Development
- Pesticide Applicator Training
- Fruit Production
- Garden Production
- Weed & Brush Control
- Pest Management
- Farmers' Market Training
- 300-Days of Grazing
- Composting
- Organic Gardening
- Horticulture Pruning
- Using Technologies on the Farm
- Small Poultry Flock Management
- Others upon request

4-H Programs Going Strong
What is 4-H? 4-H is a fun and educational program where kids "learn by doing." It
is a great opportunity for youth to acquire knowledge and skills, and develop healthy
lifestyles they can use the rest of their lives. In Howard County it takes the form
of community clubs, project clubs, and in-school clubs. 4-H is a part of the University
of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and in Howard County reaches over 2,000
youth through various clubs and school programs each year.
Anyone age 9-19 can join 4-H. So come join the fun. There are over 100 project areas
and we can find one just for you!
Come join the FUN! The faces of 4-H kids are as diverse as the activities in which
they take part. Some of the exciting programs members are experiencing firsthand include:
- Science and Technology
- Health, Food & Nutrition
- Community Service
- Citizenship
- Leadership
- Livestock & Poultry
- Pet Care
- Home Environment
- Gardening & Horticulture
- Fashion
- Talent
- Public Speaking
- Beekeeping
- Woodworking
- Arts & Humanities
- Energy Management
- Entomology
Howard County 4-H is active and Strong!! Come see what we have for you.
Photo: Howard County STEM Club participates in SeaPerch competition.
Community and Economic Development
Working closely with community groups including the Howard County Farmers Market and Hometown Health Coalition is the one of the main focus programs of community
development in Howard County. Through the Farmers Market, local vendors were able
to generate over $3500 into the economy last year. Through a Blue and You Grant, Howard
County Hometown Health Coalition brought in approximately $100,000 to help fund educational
programs to help residents improve their quality of life. Extension conducts 90% of
the educational programs using research-based information. Additional programs conducted
include Public Policy issues.
Photo: Herb demonstration at Farmers Market.