UACES Facebook Jefferson County, Arkansas Extension Programs - Pine Bluff, AR classes and programs
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Extension Educational Programs & Services
Jefferson County, Arkansas

The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.  If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension Office for assistance.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Jefferson County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Mary Ann Kizer, invites you to free Mediterranean Cooking Classes held the second Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., at the Jefferson County Extension Conference Room. Classes are free and sponsored by UAMS South Central Center on Aging. 

A health related program is presented while participants eat their Mediterranean lunch.  Call 534-1033 to pre-register. 

Extension Get Fit classes are held every Wednesday and Friday at 12:30 p.m., at the Extension Office.  Come join us to build strong bones, maintain balance, and grow new brain cells.  

Call Mary Ann Kizer at 534-1033 or e-mail for more information.  

Photo:  Jefferson County EHC Members Krista Brimer and Bettye Johnson

3rd place, machine quilted


Agriculture in Jefferson County

Agriculture in Jefferson is very active. County Extension Agents work closely with row crop producers to improve crop yields and best management practices. County Extension Agents conduct on-farm demonstrations which include; irrigation demonstrations using Pipe Planner, row crop research verification fields in grain sorghum, rice, soybeans, and wheat, corn hybrid variety trials, and soybean excluder/includer variety trials.  Integrated Pest Management meetings are held throughout the year to update producers on what current issues need to be addressed.


Youth participating in Jefferson County Ag Tour

4-H Grows Here

4-H Grows in Jefferson County

Annually, over 3,000 Jefferson County youth and adult volunteers participate in 4-H youth development programming in the areas of Science; Citizenship and Leadership; Healthy Living and Smart Nutrition for Active People (SNAP-Ed). County 4-H clubs meet monthly, each led by youth officers under the guidance of trained adult volunteers. 4-Hers participate in exciting hands-on educational activities using national 4-H curriculum that is supported by research of land-grant universities. Youth (and adults) can participate in 4-H by enrolling as a member or volunteer, attending a 4-H camp, through a school enrichment class or a special interest program. 4-H also offers several project area competitions and opportunities to attend conferences and out-of-county events. 4-H membership is FREE and open to all Jefferson County youth ages 5-19 as well as adult volunteers. To enroll in Jefferson County 4-H, log on to For more information, contact Pia Woods at 870-534-1033 or by emailing

Photo:  4-H Youth Participating in 2023 4-H Day at the Capitol



Gardens and Lawns

Beyond the necessity of growing food, there is knowledge and a sense of accomplishment that comes from cultivating the earth.  The Cooperative Extension Service in Jefferson County, part of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture, assists our clients in many ways such as:  the Master Gardener program, the annual Home and Garden Show, youth garden, and helping clients with questions on  lawns, gardens, trees, insects, soil samples, flowers, fire ants, composting,  and much more.  Many fact sheets are also available on many subjects pertaining to gardens and lawns.  For more information, contact Lee Anderson at 870-534-1033.

Photo:  Master Gardener volunteer A. Minter working in MG youth garden.


Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is to empower individuals, families, and youth with limited resources acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior changes necessary to maintain nutritionally sound diets and enhance personal development.

EFNEP adults focus on educational programs to enhance the quality of the families' diet.  The adults are taught in small groups or individually by EFNEP assistants trained by Extension educators.  The majority of participants complete the EFNEP curriculum in less than 8 sessions.

The EFNEP youth program focuses on providing food and nutrition education to contribute to personal development of youth from families with low income.  The youth are taught in summer or year-end enrichment programs conducted by EFNEP assistants and volunteers.

