Extension Educational Programs & Services
Miller County, Arkansas
The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
From Beef and Forages to Row Crops to Vegetable Gardening and Lawn Care to Plant Diseases
Whether you have a large farm or a small home garden, the Miller County Extension
Staff can assist you with your concerns. We offer a wide variety of education programs
from beef and forage production to row crops to vegetable gardening and lawn care.
Contact Jennifer Caraway, Miller County Extension Agriculture Agent/Staff Chair for
research-based information on agriculture and home horticulture programs.
Annual Agricultural Exposition & Trade Show
Our 2024 Ag Expo was held on February 8, 2024, at the Four States Fairground Entertainment
Center. Classes will be held all day so come for the day or stop by for the classes
that interest you. Classes are free. If you need to renew a pesticide applicator license
or need one for the first time, this training will be held at 1:00 p.m. Cost is $20
for the training (cash, check or money order) AND $45 (check or money order payable
to "Arkansas State Plant Board"), which is valid for 5 years.
Learn more
Red Dirt Master Gardener Basic Training Accepting 2024 Basic Training Applications
The Miller County Master Gardeners are now accepting applications for our 2024 Fall
Master Gardener Basic Training. We have two options so anyone who is interested (but
maybe had time constraints) can attend.
First Option: Online
Our Fall ONLINE MG Basic Training Class begins October 2 and must be completed by
December 9. It is a self-paced online course requiring a computer.
Second Option: In-Person Classroom Setting
Our Fall IN-PERSON Classroom Basic Training dates are: October 23, 30, November 6,
13 and 20 (Five Wednesdays). We are skipping the middle of October due to State Fair.
Be sure to choose which option you want as they are not interchangeable.
Deadline for registration is October 18, 2024.
Join Us Here
Upcoming Pesticide Applicator Trainings (PAT)
We are excited to announce that the online recertification program for private applicators
is up and running. You can access it here: www.uaex.uada.edu/pat
This online training provides another opportunity for private applicators to get recertified. The online training is not designed for people that need to get their license for
the first time – they still need to see us for that.
The online program has 5 different required modules with embedded questions in each
that must be answered correctly in order to proceed. You cannot fast forward through
the training or skip slides, but you can back-up to review information for the embedded
questions. It should take a little over 2 hours to complete.
We have done our best to make the program interesting, informative, and the process
self-explanatory for the user. It is based on the platform we have used for the dicamba
training the past two years, so it should work fairly smoothly.
The cost of the training is $20 and you pay online.
If you are in need of a new chemical license, click below to see what is available
in our county as well as other counties within the state of Arkansas. There is also
a waiting list section; if we get enough interest in a training, one may be held in
our county.
Pecan Tissue Sampling
Now is the time to pull plant tissue nutrient samples for pecans. These results are
important for growers to determine fertility rates for next year and to identify if
any deficiencies may be developing.
Cost is $20 per sample + $5 shipping.
See PowerPoint with photos on how to pull the samples. Last year we were able to get
over 24 pecan growers to submit samples. These samples help us compare this year's
results to see how things have changed.
The time to submit samples is now.
Click HERE for information on how to submit pecan tissue.
Arkansas Farm Animal Veterinarian Directory
The new Arkansas Farm Animal Veterinarian Directory is now available. This directory
is based on a veterinary survey conducted in March. To any veterinarians that did
not turn in their survey and would like to be included, please contact Heidi Ward,
DVM, PhD, Assistant Professor and Veterinarian with the University of Arkansas System
Division of Agriculture (501-671-2162) directly. Paper copies will be available at
the Arkansas Cattlemen's Association Convention at the end of August for producers.
Map of Confirmed Rabies Cases in Arkansas
Skunks and bats are the main reservoirs for rabies in our state. We have had two horses
positive for rabies this year. Last year, we had a positive cow. View the map below
and click the What is Rabies? to read more about rabies.
Rabies Cases
Estimating Cotton Yields
Accurate estimation of cotton yield while in the field is an important skill for growers,
consultants, and Extension agents. Preharvest estimation of cotton yield can help
growers to determine their return on investment, assess weather-related damages, and
adjust crop management. Although experienced eyes can provide a rough estimate by
simply scanning the field, taking a few simple in-field measurements can reduce inaccuracies.
This publication will outline the steps to calculate a reliable estimate of cotton
yield. From University of Florida.
Family and Consumer Sciences
From Healthy Cooking to Food Safety; from Diabetic Cooking to Professional Child Care
Training and Much More
From canning to nutrition to food safety, all of these topics, and many more, are
addressed through the family and consumer science educational programs. Contact Tori
Luker, Miller County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent for more information.
ServSafe Food Safety Training
We will offer a ServSafe Food Safety June 24 and 25, 2024 in Texarkana, 1007 Jefferson
Avenue, Texarkana, AR.
Registration Form

Food Storage Guidelines
This research-based chart helps you know the life span of various types of pantry
and food items we keep in our kitchens.
Miller County 4-H
Fun and Education for Youth Ages 9-19 or for Cloverbuds, Ages 5-8
4-H is a fun and educational program where kids "learn by doing." It is a great opportunity
for youth to acquire knowledge and skills, and develop healthy lifestyles that will
be beneficial for the rest of their lives. In Miller County it takes the form of community
clubs, project clubs, and in-school clubs.
Anyone age 9-19 can join 4-H; for youth ages 5-8, we have Cloverbud activities. So
come join the fun. There are many project areas and we can find one just for you!
Be sure to let McKenzie know if there is anything you need help with. Call her at
870-779-3609 or email mrigdon@uada.edu