The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.

Monroe County, Arkansas Agriculture Programs
In Monroe County, agriculture isn't just a way to make a living, it's a way of life. The Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service helps preserve that way of life with research based information for crop producers. By providing information to producers in a timely manner has helped increase crop yields, reduce misapplications of pesticides, and increased profitability for growers. The Extension Service offers many programs such as pesticide applicator trainings, crop production meetings, free soil analysis, water quality sampling, plant tissue analysis, plant disease screening and much more. On farm demonstrations and research trials are also a major part of the agriculture program to provide county producers with local research and information. For more information on our services contact the Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service.
Photo: County Agent establishing cotton variety trial.
2021 Monroe County Crop Demonstrations and Research Trials
2020 Monroe County Crop Demonstrations and Research Trials
Monroe County, Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences
The Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) program in Monroe County is dedicated to meeting
the educational needs of all its diverse populations. Offering instruction in healthy
living practice, financial management, family relationships, child care, and community
involvement. County Extension Agent Valerie Turner is devoted to helping the citizens
of Monroe County become healthier, happier individuals who are active in their communities.
Contact Valerie Turner, FCS Agent at the Monroe County Extension Office.
Photo: Recent Holiday Cooking class.
Monroe County, Arkansas 4-H
The Monroe County 4-H youth development program targets youth ages 5-19. 4-H members
gain knowledge and experience in projects related to science, technology, engineering
and math (STEM), citizenship, leadership and healthy lifestyles as well as a variety
of other educational programs and activities. Members of the Monroe County 4-H Shooting
Sports Program have honed their shooting skills and excelled in competitions. The
first year BB team took 14th out of 19 teams at state and individual team members
continued their winning at County and District O-Rama. To learn more about becoming
a 4-H leader or a volunteer, or 4-H programming, contact Valerie Turner at the Monroe
County Extension Office for further information.
Photo: 4-H members address the Quorum Court.
Monroe County, Arkansas Master Gardeners
The Monroe County Master Gardeners is a volunteer organization dedicated to increase
the availability of horticultural information and improve quality of life through
horticultural projects. Goals are implemented through the training of local volunteers.
These volunteers, known as Master Gardeners, provide advice and education to its
members and the public on various topics in gardening and horticulture. Projects
can include conducting plant clinics, answering phone requests for horticultural information,
establishing and maintaining demonstration gardens, working with the handicapped,
the elderly, and other special groups in the community; design and implement community
improvement projects, as well as coordinate Master Gardener programs.
Photo: Learning a gardening song at Spring Seminar.
Community Development
The Monroe County Community Development project goals is to bring people together
to improve their community. These groups come together to identify:
- A desired future
- Critical issues
- Improve the quality of life in the community
- Insure a sustainable future
- Use their human, financial, technical and physical resources to improve life.
Photo: Locals at Monroe County, Arkansas Farmers Market