Cooperative Extension News & Publications
Pope County, Arkansas
Welcome to our News and Publications page! Below you will find local newsletters, news stories, and/or links to other relevant publications. Please contact our county Extension office for additional information.
Pope County Beef & Forage News
Beef & Forage News is sent to beef producers, producers of quality forages and people with an interest in the beef industry. Subscribers of this newsletter will receive unbiased research based information regarding livestock and forage production in Arkansas. Also, receive updates on current issues facing the beef cattle industry. This is a free publication available to all Pope County residents. To subscribe to this newsletter please contact the Pope County Extension Office.
Pope County EHC News
This is a newsletter for members of Pope County Extension Homemakers. Currently there are 5 clubs in Pope County with various meeting locations. If you are interested in learning more about Extension Homemakers contact Pamela Luker at the Pope County Extension Office. Be sure and check out the newspaper articles below to see what is going on in Pope County EHC!
Pope County 4-H News & Views
This is a newsletter for members of Pope County 4-H. It is full of upcoming events and opportunities for youth! If you are interested in learning more about Pope County 4-H, contact Kaitie Golden at the Pope County Extension Office. Be sure and check out the newspaper articles below to see what 4-H has been up to!
Pope County Master Gardener News
This is a newsletter for members of Pope County Master Gardeners. It is full of helpful information for anyone with an interest in gardening, and has information for upcoming Master Gardener events. If you are interested in learning more about Pope County Master Gardeners contact Phil Sims at the Pope County Extension Office. You can also stay up-to-date with what is going on by checking out the Master Gardener Facebook page. Be sure to check out the newspaper articles below to see how Pope County Master Gardener's have impacted the community!