Extension Educational Programs
Searcy County, Arkansas
The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services. If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension Office for assistance.
Searcy County Agriculture
Agriculture is a vital part of Searcy County. The Searcy County Cooperative Extension Service provides many services and programs on various agricultural topics.
Contact our office for more information: (870) 448-3981
Searcy County Family & Consumer Sciences
In Arkansas, fewer than 25% of adults and 5.2% of adolescents eat their recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily. The Searcy County Cooperative Extension Service provides many services and programs on various family and consumer sciences topics.
Throughout the school year, Searcy County 1st grade classes at St. Joe Elementary and Marshall Elementary take part in a SNAP-Ed program called Pick a Better Snack. The program is designed to encourage choosing fruits and vegetables as snacks and emphasizes the importance of healthy eating. The students are introduced to three or four fruits and vegetables each month. The children learn the origin of the item, how it is grown, where it grows, why it is healthy, and other important facts. Then they are able to touch and taste each item. During the program, the children learn about a wide array of fruit and veggies including jicama, pineapple, pumpkin, mushrooms, and grapefruit.
Photo: 1st graders sample three varieties of apples, zucchini, tomatoes, and two types of plums.
Searcy County 4-H Youth Development
What can you do in 4-H?
4-H offers a world of possibilities! How about sewing, fishing, bicycling, horseback
riding, photography, shooting sports and livestock projects? And, that's only the
beginning! Also, learn fun things like pet care, cooking and babysitting skills.
Follow Searcy County 4-H on Facebook.
To “learn by doing” is fundamental in any sound educational program and characteristic of the 4-H program.
Some other commonly accepted beliefs are:
- 4-H youth are more important than the 4-H project.
- Learning how to do the project is more important than the project itself.
- A blue ribbon 4-H’er with a red ribbon project is more desirable than a red ribbon 4-H’er with a blue ribbon project.
- Every 4-H member needs to be noticed, to feel important, to succeed, and be praised.
- Our job is to teach 4-H members how to think, not what to think.
Step #1: Call the County Extension Office at 870-448-3981 to find the club nearest you.
Step #2: Visit clubs to see which one is right for you. Don’t find one…talk to us about starting one!
Step #3: JOIN!!! Register for 4-H here.
Step #4: Pick a project – Try different things to see what you are most interested in
Step #5: Attend meeting and activities. Watch the mail for the most recent 4-H newsletter!! That’s where all events and opportunities are announced!!
Register for 4-H here, or come by the Searcy County Extension Office.
Members benefit when parents are involved in 4-H. Parents and volunteers who take time to learn about and understand 4-H are of greater assistance to their child and the 4-H program. 4-H is a family affair! Members require the involvement and support of the entire family.
Your role will include supporting and helping members, without doing it for them; giving praise and encouragement; helping a member select appropriate projects and activities; staying informed about 4-H programs; asking questions; supporting your member in meeting deadlines and following through with responsibilities and commitments; attending meetings and activities with members; and helping members focus on what's really important, not just winning!
Be a part of the 4-H team! The team is made up of volunteers, like yourself, helping to provide snacks, transportation, and a meeting place; serving as a project or activity volunteer; being a resource in your area of expertise; asking what you can do at the local and county level; and helping when called upon. 4-H members get more from their 4-H experience when the whole family gets involved.
Interested in being a 4-H Volunteer? Click Here for more information or call us today!
Photo: I pledge my hands to larger service banner.
Searcy County Extension Homemakers Club
The Mission
The mission of Searcy County Extension Homemakers is to empower individuals and families
to achieve the best quality of life through:
- Continuing education
- Strengthening individuals and families.
- Developing personal skills through the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.
Photo: Extension Homemakers Club Logo
Being an EHC member means belonging to one of the largest adult volunteer organizations in Arkansas. Programs are planned by our membership. This plan-from-within philosophy adds new dimensions to our educational programs, which focus on issues affecting our community, our families, and our world.
EHC started in Searcy County in the summer of 1918 and became known as Home Demonstration Clubs. The first clubs were located in St. Joe. Pindall, and Canaan. Mrs. Mattie B. Watkins was the first home demonstration agent for Searcy County. She was in charge of the clubs and rode by horseback sporting her pressure cooker to teach the ladies.
For more information please contact the Searcy County Extension Office.
Please contact the Searcy County Extension Office at (870)448-3981 for List of Current Clubs and Meeting Times.
EHC members have hopes, dreams, and aspirations that are at work for the greater good. From scholarships to serving lunch at local festivals, EHC members give back in many ways.
Leadership Development is a vital part of the organization. Members develop leadership abilities through service as a club officer, service on a club committee, or by leading club programs and community improvement projects.
Educational Opportunities are provided for members to learn from research-based programs conducted by county Extension agents or the educators. Members have an opportunity to learn to strengthen families, extend resources, and improve diet and health.
I believe in the Extension Homemakers Club program and accept the responsibilities it offers to be helpful to others and to provide for continuous improvement in all levels of living.
I believe that through working together in a group we can enlarge the opportunities, enrich the life of our people, and create a more contented family and community life.
I believe in my own work as a homemaker.
I believe that the greatest force that molds character comes from the home, and I pledge myself to create a home which is morally wholesome, spiritually satisfying, and physically healthful and convenient.
Searcy County Master Gardener Program
Who Are the Master Gardeners?
Photo: University of Agriculture Research & Extension and Master Gardener logo
Master Gardeners are volunteers. They are people like you from all walks of life who have an interest in gardening, a willingness to learn and a desire to help others solve their gardening problems.
Master Gardeners are trained by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service faculty and must complete 40 hours of basic horticulture training. After training, you are qualified to work under the supervision of the local Extension agent as a Master Gardener. Within one year of completing training, a minimum of 40 volunteer hours is required as a member and only 20 volunteer hours in subsequent years.
Master Gardeners provide educational workshops and seminars to the general public. Master Gardeners have worked on beautification projects for city and county buildings; developed demonstration flower, vegetable and herb gardens within the community; and worked on gardening projects at local schools and with 4-H groups.
The title Master Gardener is used by persons who have successfully completed the Arkansas Master Gardener Program. The title is valid as long as the volunteer is actively participating in the Arkansas Master Gardener Program. Continuous community service guarantees lifelong Master Gardener status.
Be Apart of the Arkansas Master Gardener Program. Not only will you receive comprehensive training and gain valuable insight, you will enjoy the satisfaction that only comes from helping others. Master Gardener training sessions are scheduled throughout the year in all parts of the state. The Searcy County Master Gardeners meet each month at the Searcy County Extension Office. For more information please call us at (870) 448-3981.