UACES Facebook Union County, Arkansas Agriculture and 4H Public Programs
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Extension Educational Programs & Services
Union County, Arkansas

The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.  If you don’t see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension office for assistance.


Armyworms in lawn

Army Worms

Union County producers lost half of their forage production in 2018 due to drought and army worms.  Producers were encouraged by UofA educational programs that demonstrated better ways to manage army worms. 

Photo: Army worms in Bermuda Forage with dime shown for size comparison..



2018 Master Gardener Class

Union County Master Gardeners Class of 2018

Union County Master Gardeners encourage anyone interested in gardening and volunteering to sign up for the 2019 Master Gardener training program.  The eight week program provides 5 hours of training in horticulture, gardening, and soil science each week.  After completion of training, the new Master Gardeners are required to return 40 hours of volunteer time to their local community.  Also required is 20 hours of continued education.  The cost for the class is $80.  The 2019 class location will be in El Dorado.  Date and Time to be announced. For more information about the Master Gardener program, email agent  Robin Bridges or call (870) 864-1916.

Photo: Union County New Master Gardeners 2018

Shopping Matters

Extension Agent Teaches "Shopping Matters"

Union County Extension FCS Agent Lauren McGarrh educates the public about price comparisons and nutritious best buys through a program called "Shopping Matters" at local grocery in February 2018.  More than 200 customers participated in the one day event.

Union County EHC members to host "Holiday Market" at Union County Fairgrounds in November.  Call Lauren McGarrh - FCS County Agent at 870-864-1916 for more information.

Photo: Shopping Matters

Grand Champion Pig

Union County 4-H Youth Development

Union County 4-H member Kalin K. takes her 2018 Arkansas State Fair Grand Champion Market Hog for a walk.  As a graduating Senior, Kalin appreciates the years and the hard work she applied to achieve this goal.  Congratulations!!! 

Photo: Union County 4-H member Kalin K. and Champion


Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

Union County Extension Office welcomes Felicia Moore as the new Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program Coordinator.  The EFNEP program has been very successful assisting families raising children on fixed or low incomes.  Felicia is excited about the opportunity to help the families of Union County.  For more information, call Union County Extension Office at 870-864-1916.

Photo: New EFNEP PA - Felicia Moore with Operating Manual.

