Arkansas Extension Small Ruminants
University of Arkansas
1120 W Maple St
Fayetteville, AR 72701
The University of Arkansas Parasitology Laboratory is Offering Free Fecal Egg Counting (FEC) Service for AR Livestock Producers
The free service provides analysis of internal parasite burdens and follow-up consultations (if requested)
Internal parasites (worms) are serious health problems for small ruminants. One important
tool in an integrated parasite management program is fecal analysis.
Please, follow the instructions to submit a sample:
- Contact the U of A parasitology lab (Dr. Eva Wray) before collecting or sending samples to ensure they can be accepted. If you call and leave
a message, wait for confirmation before you collect and ship samples.
- Collect fecal samples directly from the rectum (preferred) or clean floor using an exam or OB glove; tie off or put in a sealed bag.
- Small Ruminants (Sheep & Goats)/Camelids (Llamas & Alpacas): about 10-15 pellets (no less than 8 pellets)
- Cattle: about a handful
- Equines: about 2-3 “apples”
Note: Make sure the sample is “clean” and free of debris from the environment (hay, grass, feed, dirt, etc.)
- Label each sample clearly and neatly with animal identification.
- Keep samples “airtight” and cold (not frozen), for no more than 24 hours before shipping.
Important: We need to receive your samples within 2 days of collection.
Do not send samples on Thursdays or Fridays. - Pack the fecal samples in a polystyrene cooler with ice packs and overnight ship using UPS or FedEx.
- 1 ice pack per 4 samples, plus 1 ice pack—very important that samples are kept cold during shipment.
- You can get coolers and ice packs from your local feed store or veterinarian’s office.
- Important: Please contact Dr. Eva Wray at or 479-575-4855 (leave a message) to inform them that your samples are on the way.