UACES Facebook Diseases that Harm Small Fruits & Berries | Fruit plant diseases
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Small Fruit and Berry Diseases

Grapes, blackberries, dewberries (trailing blackberries), strawberries, and blueberries are generally grown throughout the temperate US and these crops are often included in home gardens and roadside markets making them a highly desirable commodity.  They are succeptible to fungal organisms  which can affect fruit quality and quantity. 

Strawberry plant infected with gray mold.
Gray mold of strawberry

Strawberry plant yielding rotted fruit caused by anthracnose infection.
Anthracnose of strawberry

Cluster of green grapes, many with black spots cause by the fungus Black rot of grape.
Black rot of grape

A blueberry bush infected with mummyberry, resulting in twig dieback problems.
Mummyberry of blueberry

Important Diseases of Small Fruits and Berries

Black Rot

This fungus disease affects both the leaves and fruit of grapes. Fruit shrivels and turns black, resembling a raisin. The fungus also produces leaf spots up to ¼" in diameter.


Anthracnose can attack a variety of fruit, but is primarily a fruit disease of strawberry causing a fruit rot.

Gray Mold

This fungal disease can cause a fruit and crown rot of strawberry. This fungus often attacks frost damaged plants. Fruit become covered in a gray "fuzzy" mass of spores.

Leaf and Cane Rust

This fungus disease of blackberry most often attacks the leaves and canes. It produces yellow "pimples" on the leaves and lesions on the canes. It can cause a reduction in fruit yield.


This disease of blueberry causes fruit rot and twig dieback symptoms. It can be severe during humid weather conditions. An enthusiastic spray program may be required to manage this fungus disease.

Angular Leaf Spot

This bacterial disease is usually considered a minor foliar problem on strawberry. It is favored by overhead water and warm weather.  

