Grasses make up the forage base in hay fields and pastures across Arkansas and include
common species such as tall fescue, bermudagrass, and ryegrass.
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Grasses make up the forage base in hay fields and pastures across Arkansas and include
common species such as tall fescue, bermudagrass, and ryegrass.
Legumes include clovers, vetch, alfalfa, lespedeza and others. Legumes improve forage
quality and are very useful as forage and for wildlife improvement.
Many broadleaf plants are considered to be forbs or weeds depending on use. Many forbs are very useful for wildlife, but have limited value as forage. Others provide good grazing in certain situations
Woody plants include shrubs, vines and trees. Woody plants are useful, but oak brush in pasture is much less valuable than oak trees large enough for lumber harvest or mast production for wildlife.