UACES Facebook RSVP by Jan. 6 for Tri-State Soybean Conference
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Experts on the slate for Tri-State Soybean Conference

By the U of A System Division of Agriculture
Dec. 16, 2015

Fast facts

  • RSVP by Jan. 6 to Kristen Nichols at 662-686-9311, or
  • Tri-State to look at irrigation, pest control for soybeans
  • Speakers from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi on the agenda.

(517 words)

STONEVILLE, Miss. – Agronomists, economists and other crop experts from Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi are expected for the 60th annual Tri-State Soybean Forum set for Jan. 8. 

Organizers are reminding attendees to RSVP by Jan. 6 to Kristen Nichols at 662-686-9311, or, to help with the lunch count.

According to a draft agenda released by Mississippi State University organizers, events at the forum will include:

8:30-9:20:       USB/Mid-South Soybean Board Updates;
                       Bubba Simmons, member of Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board-General Update Report.
                       Tim Clements, member of Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board, with board update.
                       Bobby Golden, assistant professor, Delta Research and Extension Center-Feed Grains in Mid-South Project
                       Jason Krutz, associate professor-Delta Research and Extension Center &  Chris Henry-assistant professor-University                             of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture - Irrigation Project
                       Trey Price, assistant professor, LSU-Pest Management Program

9:20-9:50:        Maturity Groups Project Report;
                        Larry Purcell, professor-University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

9:50-10:20:      New Technology Influences on Soybean Production;
                        Tom Barber, extension weed scientist, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

10:20-11:00:    BREAK (Visit displays)

11:00-11:30:    Technology Tools for Irrigation Initiation & Termination;
                        Jason Krutz, associate professor-Delta Research and Extension Center

11:30-Noon:    Commodity Prices/Costs Outlook with Changing Land Rates;
                        Scott Stiles, extension economist-University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and Larry Falconer,
                             extension economist, Delta Research and Extension Center

Noon-12:30:    New Diseases in Soybeans;
                        Tom Allen – Professor-Plant Pathologist – Mississippi State

12:30-12:45:    Scholarship Presentations

12:45:              Lunch

The annual forum event rotates each year between three major soybean-producing states including Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana. The 2016 forum will be held at Mississippi State’s Delta Research and Extension Center. Interested attendees should RSVP no later than Jan. 6.

“We’re asking our producers to RSVP so we can get an accurate head count for our meal that day,” said Kenner Patton, communications coordinator for the Delta Research and Extension Center. “We know people will have their minds on the holidays, so we wanted to be sure to remind them early.” 

The forum works to engage and educate local farmers in the tri-state area and provide networking opportunities with industry leaders. 

Presentations will include agricultural information specific to the Mid-south. Topics covered include feed grains, irrigation tools, pest management, maturity groups, new technology, commodity prices and economic cost outlook related to changing land rates and crop stressors such as new diseases. 

This is the 60th anniversary of the forum, which will also include scholarship announcements, door prizes and lunch. 

“It’s really kind of looking at common themes and problems across state borders,” said Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “Since the three states all grow soybeans in very similar conditions overall, we’ve got a lot of common issues. 

“Irrigation is probably the biggest thing,” he said. “That’s been the big push the last couple of years. And as far as other challenges, including insects, diseases and agronomics, we’re all pretty much in the same fight.” 

Please RSVP your attendance by contacting Kristen Nichols at 662-686-9311 or by email at  

For more information, contact Preston Aust at 662-247-2915 or by email at or Kenner Patton at 662-686-3214 or


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Media Contact: Mary Hightower
Dir. of Communication Services
U of A Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
(501) 671-2126

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