Irrigation tech meeting has sessions for newbies, advanced users
By Mary Hightower
U of A System Division of Agriculture
Fast facts:
- Feb. 11 irrigation tech meeting at RREC in Stuttgart
- Optimizing computerized hole selection
- Pipe Planner training
(375 words)
STUTTGART, Ark. – Whether new to computerized irrigation aids or an advanced user, the Feb. 11 Irrigation Technology meeting at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Rice Research and Extension Station has sessions for both users.
“With lower commodity prices and higher input costs, row crop farmers need to be able to shave expenses everywhere in their budgets,” said Grant Beckwith, Arkansas County extension agent for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “Irrigation costs are no exception.”

“Using tools like Pipe Planner and other management tools can help farmers save money and save water as aquifer levels decline,” he said.
The meeting begins at 8:30 with registration. The agenda is:
- 9 a.m. - Irrigation water management practices to reduce irrigation costs in 2016 - Chris Henry, assistant professor and irrigation engineer, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- 10 a.m. - Optimizing computerized hole selection with irrigation pumps - Chris Henry, assistant professor and irrigation engineer, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- 11 a.m. - Multiple inlet rice irrigation - Joe Massey, USDA Agricultural Research Service Agronomist.
- Noon – lunch
- 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. - Concurrent sessions
- Auditorium - Pipe Planner Training: New and intermediate users. This class is for the irrigator who is not familiar with Pipe Planner or who has an intermediate knowledge of Computerized Hole Selection or a good refresher. When finished users will know how to use Pipe Planner to set up CHS on their fields, Mike Hamilton, extension irrigation area agent.
- Conference Room - Pipe Planner: Advanced Topics. This class if the Pipe Planner user who is proficient with Pipe Planner, new advanced features will be discussed and how to design more challenging fields. Participants are expected to bring their questions and unfinished designs. Chris Declerk, Delta Plastics irrigation specialist.
- Intro to soil moisture sensors: This class is a beginning class for irrigators interested in learning about soil moisture sensors. The class will go over how to build watermark sensors and how to install them, care for them, condition them, and interpret sensors, Chris Henry.
The Rice Research and Extension Center is located at 2900 Arkansas Highway 130 East in Stuttgart.
There is no cost to attend this workshop. RSVPs are not required but are helpful for a lunch head count.
For more information on irrigation, visit or contact your county extension office.
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Media Contact: Mary Hightower
Dir. of Communication Services
U of A Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
(501) 671-2126
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