UACES Facebook US International Trade Court Judge Vaden to deliver Western Conference keynote
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US International Trade Court Judge Vaden to deliver Western Conference keynote

The Honorable Judge Stephen Vaden will examine agricultural trade, the Farm Bill and more in "From Regulation to Adjudication: Perspectives on Agriculture & Trade."

By Drew Viguet
National Agricultural Law Center
U of A System Division of Agriculture

April 24, 2024

Fast facts:

  • U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Stephen Vaden will present Western Conference keynote
  • Session will cover recent trends in ag trade, Farm Bill and more
  • Registration for the conference is online

(347 words)

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The National Ag Law Center’s 2nd Annual Western Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference will feature a keynote on agricultural policy from a judge who deals with the matters first-hand.

Photo of the Honorable Judge Stephen Vaden
The Honorable Judge Stephen Vaden will present the keynote address at the National Ag Law Center's 2nd Annual Western Ag & Environmental Law Conference. The conference will be held in Reno, Nevada, with a livestream option available. (Image courtesy Stephen Vaden)

The Honorable Judge Stephen Vaden of the U.S. Court of International Trade will deliver the keynote address, titled “From Regulation to Adjudication: Perspectives on Agriculture & Trade.” The conference will be held June 13-14 at the University of Nevada, Reno. The program offers educational sessions and networking opportunities for attorneys, students and other agriculture professionals.

Vaden was appointed to the Court of International Trade in December 2020. Previously, he served as U.S. Department of Agriculture general counsel during the Trump Administration.

During his keynote address, Vaden will examine recent trends in agricultural trade and the factors influencing the new structural trade deficit American farmers are facing. Additionally, he will review options to address trade in the Farm Bill and discuss how any Farm Bill passed in 2024 might affect both the agricultural and trade policy options available to the next presidential administration.

“We’re thrilled to have the Honorable Judge Vaden present the keynote address for our 2nd Annual Western Conference,” NALC Director Harrison Pittman said. “Having both experience in the public and private sector, he is an expert at delivering skilled analysis of information impacting agricultural law and policy.”

Vaden has previously presented at the NALC’s annual Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference in 2021 and 2022.

“Attendees always enjoy hearing from Judge Vaden,” Pittman said. “He has a unique way of providing important information in an easy-to-understand, memorable way.”

The NALC’s Western Conference also covers numerous other topics that are especially relevant to the Western agricultural industry, such as pesticides, foreign ownership of agricultural land, water law and more.

“The NALC has a long-term goal of expanding our network of stakeholders and partners out West,” Pittman said. “The process of achieving that goal is well underway, and the Western Conference is a large component of that mission. It’s great to have experienced professionals, such as the Honorable Judge Vaden, attend and speak at this event.”

Continuing education available

The Western Conference has been approved for continuing legal education credit in Nevada, and will be submitted for CLE approval in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon and Utah. The conference has also been approved for continuing education by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. The NALC will coordinate with attendees to self-report in other states.

For information about the National Agricultural Law Center, visit or follow @Nataglaw on X. The National Agricultural Law Center is also on Facebook and LinkedIn.

For updates on agricultural law and policy developments, subscribe free of charge to The Feed, the NALC’s twice-monthly newsletter highlighting recent legal developments facing agriculture.

About the National Agricultural Law Center

The National Agricultural Law Center serves as the nation’s leading source of agricultural and food law research and information. The NALC works with producers, state and federal policymakers, Congressional staffers, attorneys, land grant universities, and many others to provide objective, nonpartisan agricultural and food law research and information to the nation’s agricultural community.

The NALC is a unit of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and works in close partnership with the USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Agricultural Library.

About the Division of Agriculture

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s mission is to strengthen agriculture, communities, and families by connecting trusted research to the adoption of best practices. The Division of Agriculture conducts research and extension work within the nation’s historic land grant education system through the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service.

The Division of Agriculture is one of 20 entities within the University of Arkansas System. It has offices in all 75 counties in Arkansas and faculty on five system campuses.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact as soon as possible. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay.

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Media contact:
Drew Viguet      
Communications & Special Projects Coordinator
National Agricultural Law Center

