UACES Facebook Summer safety tips from Arkansas Extension | Food, livestock, family, drought resources
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Resources, Advice, and Tips for Surviving Summer in Arkansas 

Looking for free summer resources for your family or farm? Our Extension agents and specialists are prepared to equip you with knowledge and research-based solutions to beat the heat and have a great time this summer. 

Vegtable gardening guide

Vegetable Gardening

A well-managed garden can offer a continuous supply of nutritious vegetables all year long, but there are some things to consider first like site location, soil amendments, and planting dates.

Get our AR specific tips

Tomato recipes

Tomato Recipes

Use our tips for picking, storing, and cooking fresh tomatoes to get the most bang for your buck!

Get recipes & storage tips

drought striken field in Arkansas with dead tree and grass

Drought Effects

Summer heat brings a higher risk for drought conditions in Arkansas. While drought does recede over time, its effects linger for years to come.

Get Arkansas drought resources
home with a close up of a sprinkler

Home Irrigation & Water Conservation

Save water and money by implementing our water conservation best practices on your property.

Start conserving water
How to cool your home on a budget

Cool Your Home on a Budget

Learn how to save money when cooling your home during Arkansas summers.

Get tips 7 tips to save!

Backyard grilling and food safety part 1

Grilling Safety

Grilling outdoors can be a delicious summer treat, but it's important to follow safety guidelines to protect our families.

Get our food safety tips

Poison Ivy identification and treatment

Poison Ivy Identification & Treatment

Being able to identify poison ivy is important since it can be found in every Arkansas county. Ridding the garden of this pest before it takes over is imperative.

Learn how to ID and treat poison ivy safely

less stress and more fun with family travel

Family Travel Tips

With a little planning and preparation you can make your family trip less stressful. Find games and techniques to make traveling with kids easier.

Get tips from our Family Life Specialist

what is insect pest managment?

Insect Pest Management

Get the latest evidence-based, unbiased insect research, education and solutions for producers, homeowners & applicators.

Identify and treat insect pests

lawn mower viewed from above

Farm and Home Equipment Safety

Summer is a season for outdoor work on the home and farm. Stay safe using machinery by downloading one of our fact sheets.

Download our safety fact sheets
arkansas food preservation resources

Canning Resources

Find resources and recipes for canning, pickling, drying and even smoking meats in our food preservation section.

Find tips & tested recipes

summer skin care safety tips

Summer Skin Care

One blistering sunburn in childhood more than doubles the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. So don't forget the sunscreen!

Use our sun safety tips
mom smiling in a pool helping her son swim

Swimming Safety

Swimming is a staple of summertime fun. Whether swimming in your backyard pool or a river or pond, safety is always key.

Prevent Drownings
camping health and safety tips

Health and Safety Tips for Camping

Camping can be fun and exciting but it's important to ensure you've made the necessary preparations.

Have fun and stay safe!

Summer Drought & Heat Management Resources

  • Drought Management and Recovery for Livestock

    Summer is the driest season and, together with high temperatures and evaporation, produces more severe drought conditions

  • Feeding Horses in a Drought

    Horses do not accept a change in forage very well, and the shortage of hay and increase in expense of concentrates have caused many horse owners to evaluate current feeding programs and seek alternatives.

For more information, contact your county Extension office.
