UACES Facebook London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia)
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Landscape Trees
London Planetree
(Plantanus x acerifolia)



Picture of London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia) tree form.

Leaf structure comparison of hybrid Planetree  on left and native American Sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis) on right.

Picture closeup of London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia) leaf comparison to American Sycamore leaf.  Planetree leaf has truncated leaf bottom, but same leaf structure.

Anthracnose effects

Picture of London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia) branches showing "witch's broom" affects of anthracnose fungus disease.

Leaves and fruit

Picture closeup of London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia) leaves and fruit showing two fruit balls per stalk.

Bark exfoliation

Picture of London Planetree (Plantanus x acerifolia) trunk bark showing exfoliation patterns.