Lisa Davis
Program Associate-Leadership Phone: 501-519-5472
Email: ldavis@uada.edu
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Leadership Lunch and Learn Launched
Dr. Joe Waldrum kicked off the first in a series of Leadership Lunch and Learn programs
aimed at LeadAR alumni and University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative
Extension Service employees.
The professional development series launched Jan. 27, 2021.
Waldrum, professor emeritus and former LeadAR director, shared tall tales about unique experiences in facilitating the LeadAR program for over 20 years. He talked about delayed flights, lost luggage, and souvenir shopping.
However, the most telling story involved LeadAR members participating in a health fair and one discovering he had cancer and caught it early enough to be treated. LeadAR literally may have saved a life.
Dr. Dub Ashton, a past LeadAR presenter, also shared his most memorable experiences from the LeadAR program. He created a LeadAR talent show where class members showcased their talents ranging from singing, storytelling, and playing musical instruments. One group created a new musical instrument called the “commodium," basically a guitar made with a toilet seat. Ashton still has the instrument to this day.
LeadAR alumni will receive an email invitation to the program every month. Extension employees should also keep an eye out for email announcements.
For more information about LeadAR visit the website or contact Dr. Julie Robinson, jrobinson@uada.edu or Lisa Davis, ldavis@uada.edu.