August 2021
Lisa Davis
Program Associate-Leadership
Phone: 501-519-5472
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Karyn Bradford Coleman, LeadAR Class 19, Accepts New Position
Karyn Bradford Coleman, a member of LeadAR Class 19 we profiled in April, will soon be joining the Association of State Democratic Committees as
their director for the Midwest.
The association is part of the Democratic National Committee and helps local candidates get elected to national offices. Coleman, who most recently served as chief of staff for the Democratic Party of Arkansas, said she is looking forward to the next chapter of her career.
“I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to serve in a new way while continuing on a path that has become a true calling. It is my hope this will open up doors not only for me and my personal trajectory but also for our state and those who will come after me,” Coleman said. “I have deep gratitude and appreciation for those who helped and worked with me to get here. I look forward to continuing our work. I am not going far; I am going further."
LeadAR, now in its 37th year, is a program designed to help Arkansans broaden their understanding of issues and opportunities facing our state and strengthen their ability to make a difference. For more information about LeadAR visit the website or contact Julie Robinson,, or Lisa Davis,