Van Buren County 4-H
Opportunities for Youth & Adults
The mission of 4-H is to provide opportunities for youth to acquire knowledge, developing life skills, form attitudes, and practice behavior that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society. In Van Buren County there are nearly 150 youth enrolled across 12 community, project, and social clubs. Hundreds of youth have the opportunity to participate and experience 4-H through the many 4-H Youth Enrichment programs during the year. 4-H membership is free and provides many educational and fun experiences for all youth ages 5-19.
Join a 4-H Club today and get involved!! Search and Like the Van Buren County 4-H page on Facebook.
For additional information on 4-H in Van Buren County contact:
- Razorback Rascals - Clinton
- Southern Four- Shirley
- South Side 4-H - Bee Branch
- Middle Fork 4-H Club- Shirley
- Great Scott's - Scotland
- VBC 4-H Equine Club (Project Group -County wide)
Contact the Van Buren County Extension Office for location and time of meetings.
At the county and state level, 4-H'ers and Adult Volunteers participate in environmental activities, or camps, many of which are held in Van Buren County or at the C.A. Vines 4-H Center in Ferndale, Arkansas.
Competitive events contribute to the goal of developing life skills so 4-H'ers can become self-directing, productive and contributing citizens. 4-H competitions may be against one's personal best achievement, against a previously determined standard of excellence or against one's peers.
The 4-H Events Packet, revised annually, contains basic applications and information on many 4-H Activities at the state level.
Also, check with your Van Buren County Extension Agent for ways to get involved in 4-H in your area.
At the county level, youth develop leadership skills by serving as officers to their club, organizing community projects, and sharing what they have learned in their project area with other 4-H members and community members. 4-H youth are involved in community projects that better their community and their world.
There are a variety of state programs Arkansas 4-H'ers can apply for that recognize and develop youth leadership skills, such as State 4-H Officers or the Ambassador Program.
4-H strongly pursues opportunities to recognize excellence for our volunteers, activity winners, scholarship winners, clubs, community service participants and donors to the Arkansas State 4-H Foundation.
The Van Buren County 4-H Foundation sponsors an Annual 4-H Achievement Banquet. During the Banquet we are able to recognize participation, achievements, and to present awards.
Volunteers are the backbone of the Arkansas 4-H Program. Adult Volunteer Leaders can lead clubs or assist with particular activities. Our Adult Volunteer Leaders also encourage a spirit of volunteerism among Arkansas youth.
Why be a 4-H Youth or Adult Volunteer Leader? |
You are wanted and needed as a 4-H volunteer. As a volunteer leader, you will experience your own personal growth as you help others attain theirs, and you will be rewarded in many ways. Develop knowledge and skills in the areas of child and youth development, organizational planning, and personal and group management. Watch the development of 4-H members. Provide help to others and to their own families. Meet new people and work with outstanding 4-H members and adults. Gain personal satisfaction and meet some of their own needs through helping others. Learn new skills from other leaders and from 4-H members. Know that they are contributing to the improvement of their communities. 4-H Volunteer Leaders are entitled to certain tax deductions. Generally, out-of-pocket expenses, such as amounts spent for fees, materials, travel, lodging, awards, etc., and mileage for use of privately owned vehicles are deductible as contributions. The same type of expenses incurred when attending 4-H leadership training is also deductible. Keep an accurate record of your out-of-pocket expenses and consult with a qualified tax person. Contact the Van Buren County Extension Office if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. |