A new support tool for forest herbicide prescription selection is now available. The
manual describes herbicide prescriptions in light of a specific management context.
The new tool will help forest managers make more informed decisions regarding applications
to forests.
Competing vegetation or competition is always a concern in forest management. Controlling
competition to crop trees (e.g. pine or oak seedlings) in forest management is an
essential management operation that will assist in optimizing production and revenue
from timber management. Many forest researchers believe competition control provides
the most benefit to survival and growth over any silvicultural (forest management)
method available. Specific benefits of competition control include:
Increased nutrient availability to crop trees
Increased water availability
Increased sunlight availability
Increased seedling survival
Increased growth rates
Shorter rotation lengths
Increased revenues
Common Questions Regarding Herbicide Applications
What are the Primary Concerns with Herbicide Applications in Forestry?
Grasses and broadleaf weeds can be serious competitors for planted seedlings.
Photo by: Kyle Cunningham, University of Arkansas - Division of Agriculture
There are many herbicides available for use in forest management operations. Each
herbicide is designed for specific uses. Several considerations should be made prior
to making an application, including species, site conditions and environment.
Species Concerns:
What are the crop trees?
Pine or hardwood
species requirements -resistance/susceptibility
What are the primary competitors?
Broadleaf weeds
Other tree species
Site Conditions:
Size of area to be treated
Effects method of application, whether a contractor is needed and cost.
Steep terrain can create difficulty in ground applications.
Structure of vegetation present
Effects equipment used in application.
Soil type
Soil texture and drainage can impact how effective some herbicides will be.
Wildlife habitat
Forestry herbicides usually exhibit low toxicity to animals. Habitat alterations are
most important and they could be positive or negative to wildlife.
Sensitive areas
Endangered species, water sources, crops, and other sensitive areas should be identified
and protected from herbicide applications.
Herbicide applications can increase both survival and growth of planted seedlings.
Photo by: Kyle Cunningham, University of Arkansas - Division of Agriculture
Weather conditions
Some herbicides require rainfall to be active, while too much rainfall can wash away
Timing of application
Soil active herbicides are typically applied early in the year, while foliar active
herbicides may be more effective from mid to late in the growing season.
Risks of misapplication
Applying incorrectly or movement after application (runoff, etc..) may injure sensitive
areas nearby.
What are the Types of Applications Made in Pine Stands?
Site preparation prior to planting
Controlling competing vegetation prior to planting is much easier than post planting.
Furthermore, there will be many more application rate options available prior to planting.
Release from hardwood competition
There are two times to release pines from hardwood competition 1. During establishment
(first year or two) and 2. prior to a fertilization treatment at mid-rotation (~15
years in rotation).
Herbaceous weed control
In the first year after seedlings are planted, grasses and broadleaf weeds can effect
survival and growth. Several herbicides are available to spray over the top of pine
trees. Again, these will be lower rates than could have been applied at site preparation.
What are the Types of Applications Made in Hardwood Stands?
Site preparation prior to planting
There are fewer herbicides that can be used on hardwood plantings than in pine. Apply
foliar active only herbicides in late growing season (prior to planting in the following
spring) to control competing vegetation. A couple of soil active herbicides are available
to apply just prior to planting in late winter to early spring. Once hardwood seedlings
break bud in spring, only grass herbicides may be applied.
Herbaceous weed control
Again this is most effectively addressed prior to planting. Grasses may be controlled
by a few grass herbicides after leaf out. Options for competition control during the
growing season are extremely limited with hardwood seedlings
Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)
This operation is typically performed in existing stands to improve species composition
and increase sunlight reaching developing desirable regeneration. TSI is performed
by applying herbicide to individual undesirable stems.
TSI can be performed using herbicide injection of individual trees.
What About Controlling Non-native Invasive Forest Plants?
Royal paulownia is a serious non-native invasive.
A good time to address invasive plants is during site preparation, when herbicide
rates and application rates are most versatile.
The type of herbicide and application method can differ based on the species of concern
Some common invasive plants important to forestry
Callery pear
Chinese and Japanese privet
Royal paulownia or empress tree
Ailanthus or tree of heaven
Japanese honeysuckle
Non-native invasive plants can have significant impacts on forest production. Identifying
these pests and taking fast, aggressive and repeated actions are essential in controlling
invasive plants and reducing the costly impacts they can have on forests (Arkansas Invasives and USFS Non-native Invasive Plants of Southern Forests).
What are the Application Methods?
Aerial application
Typically performed on large acreages, steep terrain, or heavy vegetative cover using
a helicopter mounted sprayer.
Broadcast ground applications
These applications are carried out using a skidder, tractor, or four wheeler, depending
on size of area and vegetative structure.
Banded and spot ground applications
Can be performed with a four wheeler for banding and/or backpack/handheld sprayers
for spot spraying.
Directed sprays
Directed sprays are performed with a backpack or handheld sprayer and are sprayed
only on competition. Care is taken to avoid herbicide contact with seedlings.
Aerial, broadcast ground and banded ground applications
Properly planned and implemented herbicide applications can be very useful in forest
management. Improperly planned and/or misapplication can be harmful and costly. Therefore,
taking steps to ensure proper application are essential.
What Steps Should I Take Prior to Making a Herbicide Application?
Identify the crop species (for example loblolly pine).
Identify major competition sources (grasses, broadleaf weeds, woody plants, vines).
Identify specific species to be controlled.
Identify sensitive areas.
Consult a registered forester about the need for an herbicide application.
Consult a licensed herbicide applicator about making an application.