Katie Teague (
Jane Maginot (
Kristen Crawley (
Washington County Extension
2536 N. McConnell Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Northwest Arkansas Pre-Construction Stormwater Education Program
Why was the program developed?
Awareness, understanding, and compliance with stormwater construction regulations can be a challenge. In Northwest Arkansas, this educational program offers an overview of why construction BMPs are important and what permitting, paperwork, and BMPs are required. Participation can help eliminate the "I didn't know" response that's often heard during construction site inspections.
Who is the program for?
This pre-construction stormwater education program is designed specifically for contractors, developers, and persons responsible for inspecting and maintaining stormwater controls on a construction site to be shared during pre-construction meetings.
All the materials needed to obtain a Training Participation card are located on this form:
- Completing the // Completar la Pre-construction Stormwater Training Program
Training Participation cards are valid for two years. La versión en español está incluida en el enlace anterior.
Below are a few of the resources and materials developed:
Transcript of Stormwater Compliance on Construction Sites in NWA video
Transcripción en español del video anterior
Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - A Guide for Construction Sites (EPA website)
Construction Management Best Practices
Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities (EPA website)
DEQ Construction Stormwater Permitting (DEQ Website)