UACES Facebook How do I find the best solution to prevent erosion and stormwater runoff?
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Step 2: Select the Best Stormwater Management Practice for Your Drainage Issues

Do you have drainage issues on your urban property? Select your area of concern below to find possible solutions. Not sure what's your area of concern? See step 1 on surveying.

Areas of Concern & Possible Tools

Runoff Generated from Roof

Runoff Generated from Hard Surfaces

Low Spots in Yard that are Prone to Ponding

Erosion on Sloped Areas

Pet Waste Area

Oil Spots on Driveways

Bare Spots in Yard

Stored Materials Outside

Litter in Yard


Runoff Generated from Roof

Possible tools:


Runoff Generated from Hard Surfaces

Possible tools:


Low Spots in Yard that are Prone to Ponding

Possible tools:


Erosion on Sloped Areas

Possible tools:


Pet Waste Area

Possible tools:


Oil Spots on Driveways

Check your car or truck for leaks. If you have a leak, place an absorbent towel made for catching leaks under your vehicle until you can have it fixed. If you spill oil while maintenance, use kitty litter or sand to absorb and then sweep up spill.


Bare Spots in Yard

Ideally, all exposed soil will be covered to keep erosion from happening. Find the right plant for the right place. If you are trying to grow grass in a shady area under a tree, make sure it is a grass that can grow well in shade. If no vegetation will grow, consider using rocks or other materials to cover the soil to keep erosion from happening. 


Stored Materials Outside

Make sure that potential stormwater pollutants like used car batteries, fertilizers, and pesticides are store indoors or under cover


Litter in Yard

Check trash cans to make sure lids are always closed and secure from opening in the wind and there are no holes in the bottoms of receptacles.


Depending on where your stormwater is coming from and what tool you decide to use, you may need to calculate the stormwater being generated on your property. To do so, continue to Step 3


