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Performance Evaluations - Guidelines for County Agent and Staff Chair Evaluations, Policy Number: CESP 1-69

Date Revised: 10-9-2023
Supersedes: 9-13-2016

The single most important factor ensuring the successful future of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service involves employing and developing personnel of the highest quality.

Extension must appoint outstanding qualified agents, facilitate their professional development, and provide a thorough review of their annual performance.

This policy is intended to provide guidelines for evaluation procedures. 


Annual performance evaluations are an integral part of the professional development of Extension agents.

The evaluation procedure is intended as a means of assessing the agent's performance and is structured to ensure that the agent fulfills his/her potential.

Annually, the evaluation process for county Extension agents will be as follows:

  • September 1: Plan of Work submitted in AIMS.
  • September 30: Program year ends.
  • October 15: Submit Performance Appraisal County Extension Agent Reporting Form sent to immediate supervisor.
  • October 15: Immediate supervisors may begin holding performance appraisal conference with employee(s) to review reporting form and program documentation. Ratings are not shared with employees until approval from District Director.
  • November 15: Deadline for Staff Chairs to send rating of employee to District Director for final approval.
  • November 16: After approval from District Director, staff chair reviews Performance Appraisal Summary Form with agent.
  • December 31: Deadline to have signed performance appraisal ratings in to District Director.


For additional information on Performance Evaluations, visit HR's Performance Evaluations page.


County Agent Compensation, Policy Number: CESP 1-32

Date Revised: 7-1-2024
Supersedes: 10-9-2023

Summary: Establishes policies and procedures regarding compensation for County Extension Agents.

All compensation policies must be consistent with state and federal legislation, University policies and procedures, and principles of sound fiscal management.

Affirmative Action Responsibility

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service is committed to providing equal opportunity in employment and in educational programs, activities, and services on a non-discriminatory basis and without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status. Moreover, the institution pledges to detect and eliminate any elements of discrimination which may be found to exist.

Factors Related to Salary Determination

Performance – The primary consideration for salary adjustments is performance. Both the current level of performance and growth in performance are considered. Refer to CESP 1 - 69, Guidelines for Evaluation of County Extension Agents and Staff Chairs above for additional information on agent performance evaluation procedures.

Educational Level – Entry level salary is determined in part by the degree held. Agents who enter the system with a Bachelor’s degree are eligible for one salary increase opportunity based upon completion of a Master’s degree. To receive this one-time salary increase, an official transcript must be submitted for processing to the District Office.

Experience – Prior job-related experience will be considered when establishing a starting salary.

Salary at Appointment

Entry-Level Agents – Inexperienced agents are hired at an entry salary of $43,888 for a Bachelor's degree and $48,888 for a Master's degree.

Experienced Agents – Salaries for agents entering the organization with job-related experience will be commensurate with education and experience.

Stipends for Staff Chair Assignments

The Staff Chair assignment is designated at the discretion of the District Director and the Senior Associate Vice President for Agriculture - Extension. Staff Chair responsibilities are added to an agent’s program responsibilities.

Under certain circumstances, a posted agent position may include Staff Chair responsibilities. Furthermore, when it is deemed in the best interest of Extension, the Senior Associate Vice President for Agriculture - Extension may fill a vacant Staff Chair position through administrative transfer.  

An agent designated as Staff Chair will receive an annual stipend in addition to base salary. The stipend is determined by the category of county operation as follows:

  • Category One: Counties with 1-2 agents - $3,000
  • Category Two: Counties with 3-4 agents - $5,000
  • Category Three: Counties with 5-6 agents - $7,000
  • Category Four: Counties with 7-8 or more agents - $9,000

The stipend will be removed if the Staff Chair relinquishes the administrative duties.

If the county changes category, then the stipend may be amended at the discretion of the District Director and Senior Associate Vice President for Agriculture – Extension.

Transferring to Another County

An agent who applies for and is selected to fill a position in another county will generally transfer laterally with no increase in salary. The agent may be eligible for moving expense reimbursement. 

An agent transferring to a position of substantially greater responsibility in another county, to a more competitive marketplace, or to a position that has remained unfilled after an unusually long period of posting may be eligible to receive an adjustment in base salary at the discretion of the District Director and the Senior Associate Vice President for Agriculture – Extension. The agent may be eligible for moving expense reimbursement. 

An agent who voluntarily requests a transfer to another county for personal or professional reasons will not receive a salary increase or payment of moving expenses. Approval of such a transfer is at the discretion of the District Director and the Senior Associate Vice President for Agriculture – Extension. 

Moving Expenses

Refer to PMGS 20-03 - Division Moving Expenses Policy, to determine eligibility and procedures.
