UACES Facebook C.E.S.P. 11-7: County Office Bulk Rate Mail Usage
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System Management - Distribution

C.E.S.P. 11-7: County Office Bulk Rate Mail Usage

Policy Number: C.E.S.P. 11-7
Date Revised: 9-30-2003

Summary:  Defines and establishes the procedure for using bulk rate mail.

Bulk rate mail includes bulletins, circulars, circular letters, newsletters, blank forms, questionnaires, books, miscellaneous printed and duplicated matter, and soil samples, up to, but not including, 16 ounces.

Bulk rates are applicable when 200 or more pieces or 50 or more pounds of identical mail are sent out in one day from the same location.  Different mailings may be combined to take advantage of bulk rates, as long as all mailing pieces involved are the same size and weight.  This means that two or three newsletters mailed out on the same day could be considered for bulk rate.

To apply for the bulk mail permit, each county/research center office should go to the U.S. Postal Service website,, pull down and complete the form below (check the box on the form for Notification to Present Metered Mail in Bulk), and take the form along with a check for $150 to the local post office:

PS Form 3615-United States Postal Service-Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile

The county/research center office with a bulk mail permit will continue to use the same envelopes provided by the Cooperative Extension Service warehouse.  However, the word “PRESORTED STANDARD MAIL” must be stamped or imprinted on the mail piece right below the postage.  Slugs that imprint these words as the mail is run through the mail meter may be obtained from the company which installed the meter.

If the county/research center office obtains a bulk mail permit, it may also apply for Nonprofit Standard Mail Eligibility at a reduced mailing rate.  To apply for Nonprofit Standard Mail Eligibility, contact the Financial Services Office for an application package and instructions. 

To submit bulk mailings once the county/research center office obtains its bulk mail permit, go to the U.S. Postal Service website,, pull down and complete the appropriate form as follows, and take it along with the bulk mailing to the local post office:

Standard Mail-Metered

PS Form 3602-R-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Standard Mail.

PS Form 3602-HP-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Standard Mail Heavy Letters Postage Affixed

PS Form 3602-PS-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge Postage Affixed

Nonprofit Standard Mail-Metered

PS Form 3602-NP-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Nonprofit Standard Mail Letters and Flats Postage Affixed

PS Form 3602-NHP-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Nonprofit Standard Mail Heavy Letters Postage Affixed

PS Form 3602-NPS-United States Postal Service-Postage Statement—Nonprofit Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge Postage Affixed
