Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Smartphone Apps and Interactive Spread Sheets
Learn about tools to perform grain processing calculations in simple ways. Some grain processing mathematical challenges were provided in Excel sheet format, web-based calculator format, and in smartphone apps format.
Click on the link to download the web-based calculator needed to perform calculations. You can use a smartphone app named QR Reader (Quick Response Reader) to download the same calculations on their smartphones.
The final moisture content of grain will be determined by the air temperature and air relative humidity that surround the grain. This final moisture content is known, as the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) providing that the grain or seed is being stored under these air conditions for long time while maintaining the fan on. EMC is a very significant parameter in grain drying, cooling, conditioning and rewetting as well as optimizing efficient fan control. Producers will select their grain type; enter the air temperature and air relative humidity. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the EMC.
To determine the EMC on your computer, click the link: Equilibrium Moisture Content Calculator
To determine the EMC on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
This app could be used to determine the number of bushels of a certain grain stored in a round grain bin. Producers will select their grain type; enter the diameter of the grain bin and the grain height. Note that the grain height in this case should be the average of the grain height measurements in the bin if grain is not leveled. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the grain bin capacity in bushels.
To determine the grain bin capacity on your computer, click the link: Grain Bin Capacity Calculator
To determine the grain bin capacity on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
This app could be used to determine the capacity (number of bushels) of grain a semi-trailer in under the current moisture content and the standard moisture content. Producers will select their grain type; enter the empty and loaded weight of the semi-trailer, the grain moisture content. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the net weight of the grain under the current moisture content, number of bushels under the current moisture content and the number of bushels under the standard moisture content.
To determine the semi-trailer capacity on your computer, click the link: Semi-Trailer Capacity Calculator
To determine the semi-trailer capacity on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
Blending is mixing grain of various moisture content levels together to obtain a desired average product. Moisture content is the most common blended characteristic. Many grain buyers currently gain income by blending grains contain different moisture contents to obtain a final product at the base moisture content. It is a profitable operation for the grain trader because one or more of the lots being blended was purchased at a discount but will be sold at market value. It should be mentioned that there are some risks associated with blending grain. The further apart the two moistures are the more risky storage will be. Producers should select their grain type; enter the quantity of high moisture grain, the moisture contents of the wet grain and the dry one, and the target moisture content. The value of target moisture content should be between the high moisture content and the low moisture content.
To determine the number of bushels of wet grain semi-trailer capacity on your computer, click the link: Grain Blending Calculator
To determine the number of bushels of wet grain on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
Grains contain water and dry matter, where dry matter holds primary value. Each type of grain such as corn, soybean, rice, wheat, etc., has a base moisture content (MC) applied by the industry, which is used for its pricing. Most buyers use the base moisture content to determine the quantity of grain they buy. This tool will help determine the number of bushels of certain grain under the standard (market) conditions. Producers will select grain type; enter the number of pound of grain, the grain current moisture content. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the number of bushels of this grain under the market conditions. It will show also the grain shrinkage based on moisture loss only.
To determine the grain shrinkage (pounds) on your computer, click the link: Grain Shrinkage Calculator (Pound Based)
To determine the grain shrinkage (pounds) on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
This tool is similar to the previous one except that it is based on the number of bushels of the grain. This tool will help determine the number of bushels of certain grain under the standard (market) conditions. Producers will select grain type; enter the number of bushels of grain, the grain current moisture content. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the number of bushels of this grain under the market conditions. It will show also the grain shrinkage based on moisture loss only.
To determine the grain shrinkage (bushels) on your computer, click the link: Grain Shrinkage Calculator (Bushel Based)
To determine the grain shrinkage (bushels) on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
To determine the grain weight of 1 bushel at different moisture content levels on your computer, click the link: Grain Shrinkage Table
To determine the grain weight of 1 bushel at different moisture content levels on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
This tool could be used to determine in-bin drying time. Drying time is a function of grain type, grain moisture content, target moisture content, inlet and exit air temperatures, air relative humidity and airflow rate. Producers will select the grain type, enter the air temperature in plenum, enter the air temperature exiting grain, enter the current grain moisture, and enter the airflow rate. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the target grain moisture content, the number of hours required for drying this grain and the rounded number of days required for drying it.
To determine the grain drying time on your computer, click the link: Grain Drying Time Calculator
To determine the grain drying time on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
Will natural air-drying occur is a tool that help producers decide whether to turn on the fan or keep it off during a certain day? Grain can lose moisture or gain moisture depending on their moisture content and the air relative humidity and temperature. Producers will select their grain type; enter the current air temperature, air relative humidity, grain current moisture content and the target moisture content. The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the equilibrium moisture content as well as a decision heling word “Yes” or “No”.
To determine if natural-air drying occur or no on your computer, click the link: Will Natural-Air Drying Occure (Yes OR No)?
To determine if natural air drying occur or no on your smartphone, download the QRreader:
This tool could be used to estimate the cost of owning and operating grain bins equipped with diesel powered drying fans. The input data include diesel prices, moisture points to be dried, grain moisture at harvest, elevator price at harvest, projected grain price at sale date, initial cost of bins, initial cost of equipment and dryers, and capacity of storage system.
The results, on the spreadsheet, web based calculator or the smartphone app, will show the estimate annual costs per bushel. The final “benefits (+) or costs (-) from drying and storing ($/bu)” value represents a bottom line economic estimate of on-farm drying and storage compared with immediate grain sale upon harvest. Negative values indicate income loss from storing and drying grain and positive values indicate an income increase.
To determine the grain drying cost (diesel powered fan) on your computer, click the link: Grain Drying Cost (Diesel Powered Fan)
To determine the grain drying cost (diesel powered fan) on your smartphone, download the QRreader: