Jason Kelley
Professor, Wheat and Feed Grains Extension Agronomist- Crop, Soil, and Environmental
Sciences (CSES)
Phone: (501) 671-2164
Fax: (501) 671-2297
Grain Sorghum Production in Arkansas
Grain sorghum (commonly known as "milo") is an excellent rotational crop and is useful for root-knot nematode management since grain sorghum is not a host.
Grain sorghum is also a good crop to help manage glyphosate-tolerant pigweed.
Nearly all of the grain sorghum grown in the state is produced in the Mississippi River Delta region of Eastern Arkansas. Much of the grain sorghum grown in Arkansas is exported via the Mississippi River. Grain sorghum is typically planted in May and harvested in September. Approximately 50% of the crop is irrigated in Arkansas.
Grain Sorghum Production Practices
The Cooperative Extension Service, part of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture, is dedicated to providing up-to-date educational programs consisting of research-based information for profitable grain sorghum production.
2025 Arkansas Grain Sorghum Quick Facts
2017 Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Research Verification Program Report
Number | Date | Title |
FSA1010 | current | Suffocation Hazards in Grain Bins |
FSA1017 | current | Harvesting Grain Sorghum |
FSA1072 | current | Grain Drying Concepts and Options |
FSA2032 | current | Summer Annual Grasses |
FSA2118 | current | Understanding the Numbers on Your Soil Test Report |
FSA2139 | current | General Traits of Forage Grasses Grown in Arkansas |
FSA2153 | current | The Soil Test Report |
FSA3053 | current | Bagged Conventional Silage |
FSA3069 | current | Prussic Acid |
MP297 | current |
Arkansas Grain Sorghum Production Handbook 5 - Major Insect Pests of Grain Sorghum in Arkansas and Their Management 6 - Common and Important Diseases of Grain Sorghum 7 -Weed Control in Grain Sorghum 10 - Estimating Production Costs for Grain Sorghum in Arkansas |
Weed Management | Field Crops -.Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA2066 | current | Grain Sorghum Insect Control |
MP144 | current | Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas Grain Sorghum |
Insect Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Pesticide Training, Licensing, and Education - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Arkansas Insect Pest Photo Gallery - Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Number | Date | Title |
MP154 | current |
Disease Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Plant Disease Image Database - Plant Health Clinic | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Number | Date | Title |
RS629 | current | 2015 Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Performance Tests |
Arkansas Variety Testing - Grain Sorghum | Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Row Crop Verification - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Economics & Marketing - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Farm Planning ( Budgets, Risk Management, Planning Tools)
Crop Enterprise Budgets for Arkansas Field Crops
Commodity Markets (Market News, Situation Outlook)
MarketMaker (Farmers' Markets, Locally Grown)
Biosecurity - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Corn Production Handbook - Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Board
A reference guide containing information on hybrid selection, soil and water management,
plant nutrition, integrated pest management, harvesting and safety considerations
in Arkansas corn production.
Soil Test Reports Online
Soil Testing & Research Laboratory in Marianna, Arkansas.
Agricultural Technology - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Related Information
- Arkansas Row Crops Blog
The latest news and recommendations from Extension specialists across all row crops. - Water Management
Irrigation methods and water conservation research from Extension specialists. - Center for Agricultural & Rural Sustainability
Balancing the demands of community, agriculture and ecosystems.