UACES Facebook Arkansas Grain Sorghum | Commercial Row Crops | Production Practices
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Grain Sorghum Production in Arkansas

Grain Sorghum harvest in Prairie County, Arkansas | Row Crops | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Grain sorghum (commonly known as "milo")  is an excellent rotational crop and is useful for root-knot nematode management since grain sorghum is not a host. 

Grain sorghum is also a good crop to help manage glyphosate-tolerant pigweed.

Nearly all of the grain sorghum grown in the state is produced in the Mississippi River Delta region of Eastern Arkansas.  Much of the grain sorghum grown in Arkansas is exported via the Mississippi River.  Grain sorghum is typically planted in May and harvested in September.  Approximately 50% of the crop is irrigated in Arkansas.

Grain Sorghum Production Practices

The Cooperative Extension Service, part of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture, is dedicated to providing up-to-date educational programs consisting of research-based information for profitable grain sorghum production.

2025 Arkansas Grain Sorghum Quick Facts

2017 Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Research Verification Program Report

Insect Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Pesticide Training, Licensing, and Education - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Arkansas Insect Pest Photo Gallery - Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System

Disease Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Plant Disease Image Database - Plant Health Clinic | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System

Arkansas Variety Testing - Grain Sorghum | Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System

Row Crop Verification -  Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Economics & Marketing - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Farm Planning ( Budgets, Risk Management, Planning Tools)

Crop Enterprise Budgets for Arkansas Field Crops

Food & Farm Policy

Commodity Markets (Market News, Situation Outlook)

MarketMaker (Farmers' Markets, Locally Grown)


USDA ERS Reports for Crops

Biosecurity - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension

Corn Advisor | Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum BoardCorn Production Handbook - Arkansas Corn & Grain Sorghum Board
A reference guide containing information on hybrid selection, soil and water management, plant nutrition, integrated pest management, harvesting and safety considerations in Arkansas corn production. 

Soil Test Reports Online | Soil Testing & Research Laboratory in Marianna | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas SystemSoil Test Reports Online
Soil Testing & Research Laboratory in Marianna, Arkansas.

Agricultural Technology - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension


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