Winter Cover Crops: Recommended Seeding Rates & Establishment Practices
This quick reference guide provides recommendations for seeding rates and establishment
practices (planting timing and depth) for common winter cover crops in Arkansas.
Management of Italian Ryegrass in Agronomic Crops
This fact sheet provides a quick look at identification keys for Italian ryegrass,
confirmed herbicide resistance in Arkansas, and recommended strategies for successful
management across cropping systems.
This guide will help to quickly identify what herbicides each herbicide-resistant
trait provides resistance to in corn, cotton, rice, and soybean.
Metolachlor Herbicides: What Are the Facts?
This fact sheet provides information regarding the metolachlor chemistry, how to effectively
use the herbicide, and recent discoveries of herbicide resistance in the state of
Zero Tolerance Pigweed Management
A community based program that focuses on reduction of pigweed seed in the soil seedbank.
Reducing pigweed seed production each year is really the only way to stay ahead of
resistance and cost effectively manage the number of pigweed that emerge in crop fields.
Sunflowers Grown for Dove Hunting
Weed control is one of the most important pest management issues in sunflowers whether
grown for production or hunting.
Row Crop Plant-Back Intervals for Common Herbicides
This publication gives producers a table display of herbicide trade and common names
and their labeled plant-back restrictions for six major row crops grown in Arkansas.
Flag The Technology
A simple and effective method for identifying fields based on the herbicide tolerant
technology planted in the field.
2021 Metribuzin Tolerance of Soybean Varieties
Metribuzin provides residual control of an assortment of annual grasses and broadleaf
weeds in soybean, including Palmer amaranth; however, the handicap to metribuzin use
is the sensitivity of soybean varieties to this herbicide. The University of Arkansas
System Division of Agriculture conducted an extensive greenhouse screening of soybean
varieties. This publication breaks down varieties into an injury scale of slight,
moderate, or severe susceptibility to metribuzin.
MP44 Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control
A comprehensive guide to weed management in various areas including: crops, pasture,
vegetables and homeowner yards. Updated annually with labeled herbicides for various
uses. Information on weed resistance, sprayer calibration and crop tolerance.