UACES Facebook Arkansas Blueberry School | Online horticulture course for growing blueberries
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Arkansas Blueberry School

blueberry plant with university of arkansas cooperative extension service logo

The following is a self-guided video course on the basics of commercial blueberry production. The four classes cover the major management activities and crop developments that happen in each season of the year. Follow along to learn how to set up, manage and grow your blueberry operation. 

These recordings were made as a part of the Arkansas Blueberry School in 2019. Funding was provided by the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium. 


Blueberry Cultivars for the Southeastern U.S.-Bill Cline, North Carolina State University

Blueberry Site Preparation and Establishment- Bill Cline, North Carolina State University 

Back to Basics: Insect ID, Biology, and Management in Southeastern Blueberries- Dr. Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University 

Blueberry Disease Management- Bill Cline, North Carolina State University

Blueberry Weed Control- Ryan Neal, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture - Cooperative Extension Service 

Blueberry Drip Irrigation- Ryan Neal, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture - Cooperative Extension Service 

Blueberry Freeze Protection- Bill Cline, North Carolina State University 

Blueberry Pruning- Bill Cline, North Carolina State University 

Blueberry Economics: A Grower Perspective- Ryan Neal, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture - Cooperative Extension Service

Economic Considerations for Blueberry Production in the Southeast


Additional Sources
