Dr. Jarrod Hardke
Rice Extension Agronomist
Fax: 870-673-4315
University of Arkansas System
Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Rice Production in Arkansas
In 2024, Arkansas rice producers harvested 1,432,000 acres at a state record average yield of 169.8 bu/acre (7,640 lb/acre) compared to the previous record state average yield of 169.6 bu/acre (7,630 lb/acre) in 2021.
- Arkansas accounted for 49.3% of total U.S. rice production and 49.9% of the total acres planted in 2024.
- Currently, rice is grown in 40 of the state's 75 counties, primarily in the eastern half of the state but also in the Arkansas, Ouachita, and Red River Valleys in the west and southwest areas of the state.
- Rice ranks as one of the top three crop commodities in cash receipts for Arkansas farmers.
Highlighted Rice Information Sheets
2025 Arkansas Rice Management Guide
2020 Arkansas Furrow-Irrigated Rice Handbook
2025 Arkansas Rice Quick Facts
2020 Managing Water-Seeded Rice in Arkansas
2017 Fungicide Timing for Selected Rice Diseases
Alternate Wetting & Drying Rice Management
2020 Rice Research Verification Program Annual Report
Tips for Multiple Inlet Rice Irrigation
Number | Date | Title |
RIS184 |
current |
RIS183 |
current |
RIS182 |
current |
RIS181 |
current |
RIS180 | current | |
RIS179 | current | |
RIS180 | current | |
RIS179 | current | |
RIS178 | current | |
RIS177 | current | |
RIS176 | current | |
RIS175 | current |
Arkansas Variety Testing - Rice - Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Row Crop Verification - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA2162 | current | Flag the Technology Brochure |
MP44 | current |
Recommended Chemicals for Weed And Brush Control Rainfall Free Periods for Rice Postemergence Herbicides Rice Herbicides, Crop Replant and Rotation Guide |
MP479 | current | Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth and Ryegrass Management |
MP519 | current | Row-Crop Plant-Back Intervals for Common Herbicides (12x18 trifold) (color) |
Weed Management | Field Crops.- Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA7057 | current | Rice Stink Bug in Arkansas |
MP438 | current | Identifying Stink Bugs in Arkansas Crops |
FSA7085 | current | Rice Insecticide Seed Treatments: Is There Value to the Arkansas Rice Producer? |
MP144 | current | Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas Rice |
Insect Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Pesticide Training, Licensing, and Education - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
MP154 | current |
Disease Management | Field Crops - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA2167 | current | N-ST*R: Nitrogen-Soil Test for Rice |
FSA2168 | current | N-ST*R Soil Sample Bucket and Soil Sample Collection (color) |
n/a | current | N-ST*R Protocol for Rice Produced on Clay Soils 2021 |
n/a | current | N-ST*R Protocol for Rice Produced on Silt Loam Soil 2021 |
n/a |
current |
Water Management - Environment & Nature | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA38 | current | Economic Benefits of No-Till in a Rice-Soybean Rotation |
Economics & Marketing - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Farm Planning ( Budgets, Risk Management, Planning Tools)
Crop Enterprise Budgets for Arkansas Field Crops
Commodity Markets (Market News, Situation Outlook)
MarketMaker (Farmers' Markets, Locally Grown)
Biosecurity - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA2017 | current |
Computer Technical Series: RICESEED |
FSA2124 | current |
Computer Technical Series: DD50 Computerized Rice Management Program |
Soil Test Reports Online
Soil Testing & Research Laboratory in Marianna, Arkansas.
Agricultural Technology - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Additional Resources
- Arkansas Row Crops Blog
The latest news and recommendations from Extension specialists across all row crops. - Water Management
Irrigation methods and water conservation research from Extension specialists. - Center for Agricultural & Rural Sustainability
Balancing the demands of community, agriculture and ecosystems.