University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Soybean Production in Arkansas
Soybeans (Glycine max) are grown in 41 of the state’s 75 counties and on about 3.3 million acres. They rank as one of the top three crop commodities in cash receipts for Arkansas farmers, generating about $1.7 billion annually. State average yields are about 40 bushels per acre.
Soybean producers who want to know more about choosing soybean seed with the same maturity date range can utilize software from our research team. Click the button below and scroll down the webpage to get the user manual and request the Excel data file from the research team.
More facts and resources about soybeans are below.

- Soybean meal is a high-protein supplement for livestock, and soybean is gaining popularity in human diets as well.
- Biodiesel appears to be an expanding domestic market for U.S. soybeans.
- Approximately 30-40% of U.S. soybeans are exported.
Soybean Production Practices
We are dedicated to providing up-to-date educational programs consisting of research-based information for profitable soybean production.
2025 Soybean Cross Reference Guide
2024 Metribuzin Tolerance Testing of Soybeans
Soybean Yield Response: Planting Date and Maturity Groups in Arkansas
Number | Date | Title |
FSA2152 | current | Prevention and Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Pigweed in Soybean and Cotton |
MP44 | current |
Recommended Chemicals for Weed And Brush Control Rainfall Free Periods for Soybean Postemergence Herbicides Soybean Herbicides, Crop Replant and Rotation Guide Soybean Herbicides, Fertilizer as a Carrier Compatibility Soybean Herbicides, Preharvest Intervals Soybean Herbicides, Restrictions for Feed, Forage and Grazing Soybean Herbicides, Soil Applied Herbicide Rates |
MP479 | current | Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth and Ryegrass Management |
MP522 | current | Pasture Weed Control in Arkansas |
n/a | current | 2014 Soybean Screening for Metribuzin Sensitivity Results |
FSA2188 | current | Distribution and Management of Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Arkansas Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board with University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture |
n/a | 2023 |
Weed Management | Field Crops website.- Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
FSA7065 | current | Insect Pest Alert: Soybean Aphid (color) |
FSA7077 | current | Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: A Potential Pest of Arkansas Row Crops (color) |
FSA7078 | current | Biology, Identification and Management of the Redbanded Stink Bug (color) |
FSA7084 | current | Kudzu Bug - Invasive Pest Coming to Arkansas and the Impact on Soybeans |
FSA7550 | current | Crop Rotation for Management of Nematodes in Cotton and Soybean |
MP144 | current | Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas Soybeans |
Insect Management | Field Crops website - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Pesticide Training, Licensing, and Education website - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Arkansas Insect Pest Photo Gallery - Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Number | Date | Title |
FSA7531 | current | Asian Soybean Rust (color) |
FSA7532 | current | Asian Soybean Rust Fungicides and Aquatic Organisms |
MP154 | current |
Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide |
n/a | current | 2020 Arkansas Soybean Disease Screening Evaluation of soybean cultivars for reaction to Root-knot Nematode, Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 2, 4, 5,14, Reniform Nematode, Stem Canker and Frogeye Leaf Spot. |
Disease Management | Field Crops website - Pest Management | Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
n/a | current | 2022 Soybean Cross Reference Guide |
n/a | current | 2021 Metribuzin Tolerance Testing of Soybean Varieties |
n/a | current | 2021 Soybean Update |
n/a | current | 2020 Soybean Update |
n/a | current | 2019 Soybean Update |
n/a | 2023 | Metribuzin Tolerance Testing of Soybean Varieties - 2023 |
Arkansas Variety Testing - Soybean website - Research & Extension | Division of Agriculture | University of Arkansas System
Row Crop Verification website - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Number | Date | Title |
Series 680 | 2020 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 670 | 2019 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 663 | 2018 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 655 | 2017 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 648 | 2016 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 637 | 2015 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Series 631 | 2014 | Arkansas Soybean Research Studies |
Number | Date | Title |
FSA5 | current | Seasonal Price Patterns for Arkansas Soybeans (color) |
FSA38 | current | Economic Benefits of No-Till in a Rice-Soybean Rotation |
Economics & Marketing - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Farm Planning ( Budgets, Risk Management, Planning Tools)
Crop Enterprise Budgets for Arkansas Field Crops
Commodity Markets (Market News, Situation Outlook)
MarketMaker (Farmers' Markets, Locally Grown)
Agricultural Technology website - Farm & Ranch | Arkansas Extension
Related Information
Arkansas Row Crops Blog
The latest news and recommendations from Extension specialists across all row crops.
Soybean Research and Information Network
Resources for soybean production.
Water Management
Irrigation methods and water conservation research from Extension specialists.
Southern Risk Management Education Center (SRMEC)
Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board