UACES Facebook Arkansas Insect Pest Management | Identify and treat bug and insect issues
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Insect Pest Management

Cabbage plant suffering from Looper Damage

What is IPM (integrated pest management)?

IPM is the abbreviation for Integrated Pest Management -- not "Insect Pest Management."  Insect pest management is a dynamic process that uses IPM as a strategy for managing insect pests.

What types of control methods are used for IPM?

IPM combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical control methods in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.

The goal of IPM is to achieve long-term suppression of target pests with minimal impact on non-target organisms and the environment.  IPM strategy is universal across all disciplines of pest management.  

Follow these five basic steps to start an IPM program:

small green Cabbage Looper Larva crawling on a leaf.

1. Inspection / Monitoring for pest presence or damage

2. Pest Identification

3. Establishment of an action threshold (when you should intervene to prevent intolerable damage)

4. Use of appropriate control measures that are economically feasible & environmentally compatible, choosing from:

a. Cultural / Mechanical / Physical

b. Natural / Biological

c. Chemical

5. Evaluation of effectiveness through continued inspection / monitoring and adequate record keeping


Helpful Resources

MP144 - Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas

Ask the Pest Crew

Pesticide Training, Licensing, Education and Recommendations

What's That Bug? Blog



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