Acknowledging Aging
If you want to age well, here are some tips:

Incorporating some simple guidelines will aid in setting you squarely on the path to optimal health and give you the best shot at living a long, happy life.
The Leading Cause of Premature Aging and Death
Too much sugar and processed foods, combined with insufficient exercise. Controlling
these two factors will likely eliminate more than 90% of these medical conditions:
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
Next, in order to better understand the cause of aging, you need to become familiar with some compounds called "free radicals."
Free Radicals on a Mission to Damage Your DNA
Poor lifestyle choices such as smoking, consuming processed foods laden with trans fats and other harmful chemical additives, along with pesticide and other chemical residue, add to your free radical burden.
Learn how to effectively cope with stress
Stress has a direct effect on the body, which in turn underlies many of chronic diseases. Thus, developing effective coping mechanisms is a great strategy for aging gracefully.
Exercise regularly, and correctly
Studies repeatedly show that regular, moderate-to-vigorous exercise can help prevent or delay the onset of hypertension, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis and the falls that lead to hip fractures. Although a lifetime of regular exercise is ideal, it's never too late to start. It's been shown that even individuals in their 70s can substantially increase both strength and endurance with exercise.
Learning from Those Who've Lived the Longest
People who've lived the longest tend to eat large amounts of whole unprocessed minimally cooked vegetables and fruits and live in areas that promote regular physical activity, such as daily walking.