Keys to Embracing Aging - Learn from Centenarians
Physical activity can include yoga, a great way to stay social and focus on your health
while reducing stress.
The way you take care of yourself through the years, both physically and mentally,
will impact the natural process of aging. No one knows this better than centenarians,
people who are 100 years old and older. Centenarian studies demonstrate that life
does not diminish with aging. In fact, 100 year olds are teaching us that the acceptance
of aging can be positive, joyful and exciting. They demonstrate that aging brings
new experiences, knowledge, wisdom and a greater ability to create a positive approach
to the aging process.
The twelve keys below are what we have learned from the centenarians.
- Accept change
- Get over negative stereotypes
- Watch out for depression
- Do things that make you happy
Eat a Healthy Diet
- A brain healthy diet is a heart healthy diet
- Low fat/low cholesterol
- Vitamin A: bright colored fruits and veggies: carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes.
- Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, green peppers, broccoli, green leafy veggies, strawberries.
- Vitamin E: nuts & seeds, whole grains, green leafy veggies, vegetable oil, liver oil.
- Selenium: cold water fish & shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, garlic
- Foods high in vitamin B12: clams, oysters, mussels, octopus, beef, lamb, liver, caviar,
fish, crab, lobster, cheese, eggs
- Foods high in folate: Black-eyed peas, lentils, okra, kidney beans, great northern
beans, broccoli, iceberg lettuce, beets, lima beans, sunflower seeds, spinach, sprouts,
corn, asparagus, baked beans, green peas, baked potato, cabbage, avocados, peanuts,
romaine lettuce, tomato juice, orange juice, strawberries, oranges, eggs, bananas*Note:
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Fats, Oils, and Sweets are poor sources of folate! Know nutrition
and your calories
Engage Your Brain
- Active learning throughout life
- Acquire more knowledge"Neurobics!" (brain help attack established routines;
e.g., brush teeth with opposite hand)
- Leisure activity that combines physical, mental, and social activity
- Diet
- Exercise and physical activity
- Stay social
- Lowers risk of illness and infection and helps to improve overall health
- Reduces stress
- Produces healthy brain cell connections
- Fights depression
- Fights isolation
- There's an App for that (using a cell or smart phone)
- Computers and the internet to keep necessary information and for entertainment; they
play and store games, music, movies and photos.
- Video Games aren't Just for Kids - Today's video games also help keep older adults
minds and bodies sharp and responsive.
- The Sound of Music - Music exposure can also enhance perception, create a distraction
from pain, reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and
even relax your muscles (PMASFA, 2011).
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It - Staying in tune to your community and the world
also exercises the brain and can keep you more mentally active as you read or listen
and process the news.
- No smoking
- Moderate alcohol
- Regular check-ups
- Wear your seatbelt
- Prevent falls
- Avoid over exposure to the sun and cold
- Identify the source of stress in your life
- Examine how you currently cope with stress
- Learn healthier ways to manage stress
- Avoid unnecessary stress
- Alter situations
- Accept things you can't change
- Make time for fun and relaxation
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Keep Finances in Order
- Budget development
- Money Management
- Wise use of credit
- Consumer protection
- Savvy savings
- Catch more zzzzz's!
- If you have day-time sleepiness, you are NOT getting enough night-time sleep
- Sleep disturbances are NOT a normal part of aging
- Identify sleep problems
- Find ways to obtain more restful sleep
- Find things that are important to you
- Plan purposeful activity
- Follow your passions
- Chase your bucket list
- Make a path of important things ahead of you to help distract your form the parts
of aging that are not so positive