Arkansas Extension Homemakers Member Resources

AEHC Newsletters
View past AEHC Newsletters below:
Creed, Mission Statement, and Code of Ethics
Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council Creed
I believe in the Extension Homemakers Club program and accept the responsibilities it offers to be helpful to others and to provide for continuous improvement in all levels of living.
I believe that through working together in a group we can enlarge the opportunities, enrich the life of our people, and create a more contented family and community life. I believe in my own work as a homemaker.
I believe that the greatest force that molds character comes from the home, and I pledge myself to create a home which is morally wholesome, spiritually satisfying, and physically healthful and convenient.
Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council Mission Statement
The mission of this organization shall be to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of living through continuing education, leadership development, and community service.
The Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council (AEHC) is a private, nonprofit, tax exempt (IRS 501(c)(3)) organization representing the seventy five member councils in the state. It is controlled by its members, and regular functions are financed by the contributions of its membership. AEHC serves its members by providing information and services in accordance with the policies and recommendations of its Board of Directors. The mission of AEHC is to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of living through continuing education, leadership development, and community service. The general goals of AEHC are to serve as the voice of the State’s extension homemakers; to assist county councils with building and strengthening their capabilities; to provide services needed by county councils; and to maintain and improve member commitments to, and identification with, their association. In serving the cause of county councils, AEHC is dedicated to abiding by the highest ethical standards of performance and acting in the best interest of county councils and their members. Effective participation in AEHC functions requires that the Board and Committee members be impartial, responsible and representative of the interest of their regions and state. This Code of Ethics is designed to provide guidance for AEHC Board of Directors, Executive Committee and other Committee members in carrying out the duties of their offices and positions.
Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and Committee Members will:
1) Keep their constituents informed and allow opportunity for their participation in the decision making process.
2) Devote the time and effort necessary to ensure the successful functioning of the county councils, Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Committees, by participating in, and encouraging others to participate in, the activities of the state association and local county councils.
3) Advocate the highest standards of conduct and competence for all that serve or participate in state and county council programs.
4) Strive for self-improvement by learning more about AEHC and county councils programs through attendance at local, area and state association meetings, training sessions, and other activities.
5) Adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.
6) Avoid any action that might result in, or create the appearance of:
a. Using their position for personal gain (whether their own or others’ with whom they are associated in a personal, family, or business relationship).
b. Giving improper preferential treatment to any person.
c. Impeding efficiency or economy.
d. Losing independence or impartiality.
e. Making a work-related decision that affects, involves or binds AEHC outside of official channels or prescribed procedures.
f. Adversely affecting the confidence of members, vendors or suppliers in the integrity of local county councils and/or AEHC and its operations.
g. Circumventing the purpose or intent of the AEHC Board of Directors approved budget and expenditures as defined in the Bylaws and Standing Rules.
7) Not directly solicit any gift or accept any gift, whether in the form of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, promise, or any other form, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence the actions or policies of the association.
8) Not directly or indirectly disclose, use or allow the use of any information they have through or in connection with the county councils that is not generally and publicly available on an equal basis to everyone else with and interest in it, for the purpose of furthering their own personal interest or interest of anyone else with whom they might have a personal, family or business relationship.
9) Not have direct or indirect financial interest that conflicts with, or appears to conflict with, their duties and responsibilities with the county councils or AEHC; or engage in directly or indirectly, a financial transaction based on information obtained through their association with the county councils or AEHC.
Whenever any situation comes to an Officer, Executive Committee Members, or Board Members attention that appears to be covered by this policy, the individual should promptly disclose the matter to the county councils and/or AEHC. Disclosure must be full and complete.
Complaints to be submitted in writing to the Ethics Review Committee as defined in Article X, Code of Ethics in the AEHC Bylaws.
Violation of, or failure to comply with these accepted standards or any component there shall be grounds for discipline, which may include the full range of options available, up to and including removal from office.
AEHC Secretary and Treasurer Record Book
- Secretary/Treasurer Record Book - FCS 219
*Contact your county agent for this form.
Record Book for each club to maintain
The book can be uploaded onto a computer to be filled in by computer or can be copied
and filled out by hand.
Scholarships and Mini-Grants
AEHC College Scholarships (Dr. Lynn Russell Memorial and Betty F. Oliver Memorial)
There are two $1000 scholarships awarded to two college juniors majoring in Family
and Consumer Sciences. Click the link below for full criteria and application. Deadline
for submitting to the state extension office is April 15.
Download Scholarship Application Here
Pauline Bartholomew Young Extension Homemakers Scholarship (FCS 752)
The purpose of this $75 scholarship is to allow a young EH member to attend the AEHC
State Meeting. Recipient must be under 40 years of age. This is a reimbursement and
is announced and awarded at the state meeting. Click the link below for full criteria
and application. Deadline for submitting to the state extension office is May 15.
Download Pauline Bartholomew Scholarship Here
Educational Mini Grants
The mini-grant's primary focus must be used for educational purposes, i.e. county-wide
mammogram screening. The amount is not to exceed $500 a year for a maximum of two
consecutive years. Click above for guidelines. Deadline for submitting to the state
extension office is March 1.
*For more information about scholarships and grants, email
The Country Women’s Council USA, offers a Ruth B. Sayre Memorial Scholarship each
year to a woman who is a legal resident of the USA, who shows a financial need, and
who has the ability to complete her education. The amount of the scholarship is $500
and the application is due March 1.
Download Scholarship Application Here
The Country Women’s Council offers a $500 grant for a project addressing food waste.
Deadline to apply is December 31.
Download Scholarship Application Here
AEHC Forms
- AEHC Individual Membership Form
- AEHC Individual Membership Form - fillable Turn this completed form in to your local county extension office.
- AEHC Volunteer Agreement Form When joining EHC, this form is to be completed and submitted along with the Individual
Membership Form and dues.
- AEHC Club Membership Form
- AEHC Club Membership Form - fillable Each club is to submit a copy annually to their FCS agent by July 1. A copy should
also be submitted to the state extension office by August 1 of each year.
- Annual Financial Report Deadline for this report to the state extension office is August 1. This form can be utilized for club/council. You may also submit a copy of your financials in the format you have chosen to use as long as it gives the same information.
- County Report Form
- County Report Form - fillable This completed form accompanies a check payable to AEHC, to the state treasurer for annual dues of members and clubs no later than August 1.
- EHC001 AEHC Peer Review of Group Financial Records
AEHC Peer Review of Group Financial Records
Each club/council is to perform a peer review annually as part of the financial records. A copy of the completed financial review is to be mailed to the state office to the attention of EHC Administrative Specialist.
January, April and August are the months to finalize your order for name badges. Submit form and your check(s) to State Treasurer Carolyn Morris, no later than February 1, May 1 or September 1. Make checks payable to AEHC and mail to Carolyn Morris, PO Box 275, Danville, AR 72833. You can contact her at
District Director Nomination Form
In odd-numbered years, return this form and attachments to the EHC Administrative Specialist at the State Office at 2301 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 by May 15th.
District Director Consent of Nominee Form
In odd-numbered years, return this form to the EHC Administrative Specialist at the State Office at 2301 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 by May 15th.
AEHC State Officer Nomination Form
In even-numbered years, return this form to the EHC Administrative Specialist at the State Office at 2301 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 by May 15th.
AEHC Consent of Nomination Form
In even-numbered years, return this form to the EHC Administrative Specialist at the State Office at 2301 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 by May 15th.
FCS 741
Judging Score SheetA panel of judges comes together in February each year to judge project books. Each book has three judges, none of whom are from the county of the submitted project book. This form outlines how scores are determined. Deadline for submitting project books to the state office is October 31.
FCS 742
EHC Project Designation SheetEach project book needs to have a Project Designation sheet.
Instructions for Putting Together a Project Book, Revised August 2017
It is important to read this instruction sheet before completing your Project Book
Bylaws and Standing Rules
- Bylaws - July 18, 2023
AEHC bylaws form the policy of the state organization. Each council and club must write their own bylaws and submit a copy to AEHC-LRSO at the state extension office, 2301 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR, 72204.
- Standing Rules - July 18, 2023
Standing rules relate to the details of administration of AEHC.