Grown Up U Podcast
Do you or a young person in your life need a little help with learning how to "adult"? Have you ever asked yourself "Why didn't anyone teach me this in school?"
Our agents are here to help! They're talking finance, college, jobs, relationships, and more in our Grown Up U: Facts for Success podcast!
What do you know about banking, time management, or filing your taxes?
Join Arkansas Extension Family and Consumer Science agents as they talk us through the latest in research-based advice on these critical life skills needed to live independently.
Not all life skills need to be learned first hand. Sit back, relax, and listen to our experts in their weekly podcast available on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcast, Spotify,Goodpods, Amazon Music, and Podfriend
Parent and educator resources are available to use with our resources.
Visit our Grown Up U Parent and Educator Resource Page!
Season 4 coming soon!
Podcast Episodes
Season 3
Is it possible to eat healthy during the holidays and still enjoy all of the parties
and family gatherings?
Julie Goings, Phillips County - Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, has some easy-to-follow tips for how make healthy food choices at holiday gatherings and still enjoy some cake. Plus, Julie has some food safety steps that can keep your holiday dishes safe as well as tasty.
Have you ever tried to cook something, and it just didn't turn out like you hoped?
Learn what it means to follow a recipe and how to properly measure ingredients using
the correct measuring tool. Valerie Turner, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in
Monroe County, shares tips to help your meals turn out like a pro.
Maybe you have not thought about it before, but networking is a valuable tool to finding
the right job or making connections. In today's podcast, Garland County FCS Agent,
Alison Crane, will share the basics of networking and what is the most effective type
of networking - informational interviews.
Are you a new parent or new at making vaccination decisions for yourself?
Knowing the facts about immunizations can help you make an informed choice. Listen as Phillips County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Julie Goings, helps dispel some of the myths about vaccines so you can make an informed choice for you or your family.
Do you feel awkward when meeting someone for the first time? Are you unsure when and
how to make an introduction in a social situation? This is the perfect podcast for
you. Listen as Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Julie Going, shares tips based
on Emily Post's Etiquette to help you make the perfect introduction.
Cleaning and disinfecting have been hot topics for the past couple of years. But the
importance of cleaning and its purpose hasn’t changed. Tristin Bolton, Family and
Consumer Sciences Agent in Crawford County, along with Stephanie London from the University
of Arkansas Fort Smith, will share just why it is important to clean and share cleaning
responsibilities in a shared space, like a dorm.

How often do you need to clean your home or living space? Where did you learn to clean? Tristin Bolton, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Crawford County, along with co-host Casey Ford, will share the standards of cleanliness that we should all follow and suggest simple products to get you started.

In today’s podcast, we will be discussing suicide. If you or someone you know is in need
of help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME
to 741741 or go to
The death of a friend or loved one by suicide can be one of the most traumatic experiences
in a person's life. Picking up the pieces as a suicide survivor can take a long time
but it can be done. In this episode of Grown Up U, Alison Crane, Garland County Family
and Consumer Sciences Agent, and her guest, Julie Fant, counselor and owner of Divine
Therapy, discuss coping skills for those experiencing that type of loss and what friends
and family can do to help.
We hear all the time don't drive distracted, but why is that so important? Join Mary
Ann Kizer, Jefferson County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and her guest, Dot
Hart, as they share the costs of distracted driving. Staying focused on the road could
save a life!
Season 2
Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? According to Mental health
America, 46 percent of Americans will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health
condition sometime in their life, and half of those people will develop conditions
by the age of 14. Join Rachel Chaney, Yell County FCS agent and special guest, Rebecca
Simon, Family Life/Early Childhood Instructor and Mental Health First Aid Trainer,
as they talk about getting back to basics with mental health.
We all know the internet as a place of endless information, connections, resources,
apps, and of course, games. It has become the “next best thing to sliced bread” as
the old saying goes. For as much good that the internet can and does bring to our
lives, it also brings about the bad and ugly.
In today’s Grown Up You podcast FCS agents, Julie Going and Valerie Turner, talk
about why it is important to stay on guard when you are on the internet and tips
for staying safe.
The stress of graduating from college is real. Meeting all the requirements, completing
those last assignments, and taking make or break your grade finals can all build up
to make you feel overwhelmed. You have worked so hard to receive a degree and instead
of exhilaration all you feel is stress. Alison Crane, Family and Consumer Sciences
Agent for Garland County, Arkansas, and her son, Jonathan Crane, discuss the stressors
of college graduations and some stress busting tips for not letting them get to you.
This may be the moment you have been waiting for but graduating from high school can
still bring a lot of stress. Don't let the pressure make your memories of this important
accomplishment unhappy. Taking steps to manage your stress by learning some coping
skills can help you enjoy this special time in your life. Listen as Family and Consumer
Sciences Agent, Pamela Luker, and high school senior, Destini Nguyen, discuss ways
to make your last weeks of high school less stressful.
In the digital age, navigating online dating websites and apps can feel like a minefield,
especially as romance scams have become more prevalent. Over the last five years,
over one billion dollars has been reported lost to romance scams. In this week’s
podcast, Valerie Turner, Staff Chair in Monroe County and her guest, Rebekah Hall
from the office of communications for the University of Arkansas System Division of
Agriculture will highlight tips for dating safely in our digital age.
Oh No! Either you have lost your copy of one of your vital documents or maybe you
never had a copy, and you need one for school or work. Before the thought of going
to the Vital Records office makes you anxious, listen as Alison Crane, Family & Consumer
Sciences Agent, shares what you need to know to get a copy of your important records.
You’ll learn how to get a copy of your birth certificate, marriage license, a replacement
Social Security card and death certificates for a loved one.
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Download our Extension Fact Sheet: Replacing Valuable Papers for more information.
Is your alarm clock your friend or foe? For most of us that depends on how much sleep
we got the night before.
Over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders that affect one’s overall sleep
patterns. In today's podcast, Mary Ann Kizer, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent,
and Dot Hart, Extension Wellness Ambassador and EHC Delta District Director, share
why you should get a good night's sleep plus some easy to follow, inexpensive tips
for helping you get good sleep.
With rising food costs, many Americans, especially young adults in college or just
starting their careers are looking for ways to stretch their food dollars. In this
episode Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, Casey Ford and Tristin Bolton, brainstorm
ways that young adults can save money on food.
In today’s busy world, take-out and delivered foods are increasing in popularity.
Some foods are served hot, and some are served cold when purchased. In this episode,
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Jessica Angel, dives into safe steps in food handling,
proper safety cooking techniques, and storage that are essential in preventing foodborne
illness and keeping food safe.
Losing weight is hard and maintaining a healthy weight requires self-discipline, but
that does not mean the journey is not worth the effort. Alison Crane, Family and Consumer
Sciences Agent in Garland County, will share the benefits of maintaining a healthy
weight and how establishing some simple good habits can make it achievable and not
We hear about fad diets everywhere!!! Before you decide to try the latest craze, listen
in on some fast facts about fad diets to learn about why they may not be all that
they are cracked up to be. Join Pamela Luker, the Family Consumer Sciences Agent for
Pope County, as she interviews Dr. Jamie Baum, the Associate Professor of Nutrition
and Director of the Center for Human Nutrition Department of Food Science with the
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. Dr. Baum shares information
to help you know recognize fad diets and learn about diets that are proven to be effective
and safe.
Do you get confused by all the nutrition information out there? You are not the only
one!!! Tune in to hear FCS agent, Alison Crane, and her daughter-in-law, Amanda Crane, share
how you can use MyPlate as a tool to simplify healthy eating! March is National Nutrition
Month, and we have some great information for how you can take some simple steps to
improve your diet.
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Link for
Season 1
Ever get to the DMV to renew your car tags only to find out your need proof of tax
assessment? Did you know what to do? If you are clueless about what I am talking about
then you need to listen to this episode of Grown Up U. Phillips County FCS Agent,
Julie Goings, and Agriculture Agent, Shawn Payne, share all you need to know about
tax assessment. Listening should save you time when heading to renew those tags and
maybe keep your name out of the paper, too.
It is time to get those important tax papers ready! Tax season is upon us! Rachel
Chaney, Yell County FCS Agent talks with special guest Dr. Laura Hendrix, Associate
Professor for Personal Finance and Consumer Economics, as she shares tips for preparing
your taxes once you have collected your important tax papers.
Whether it's your first time to file taxes or your twentieth time, filing taxes can
be a little stressful. Never fear! There is hope! Follow our advice on collecting
those important tax papers and you'll be cool as a cucumber and ready for next week's
episode on your filing options. Listen as Rachel Chaney, the Yell County Family Consumer
Science Extension Agent visits with Dr. Laura Hendrix, Associate Professor for Personal
Finance and Consumer Economics with the University of Arkansas System, Division of
Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. Dr. Hendrix has some great "adulting"
information for you.
Have you ever wondered where you spent your money? Or maybe you are working to be
independent, and you need to figure out if you can even afford to do that. In today's
podcast, Garland County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Alison Crane, will share
the basics of budgeting to help you set up your own spending plan.
In today's episode, Jefferson County Extension agents, Mary Ann Kizer and Kurt Beaty,
share the steps you need to take when shopping for a credit card. Be a smart consumer
and learn the facts about credit cards before you accept all those card offers coming
each month in the mail. Once you have listened to our podcast, visit
to learn more about building your credit and wise money management.
Trying to decide whether to rent or buy? It's a big decision.
Before you pay out any money or start shopping, take a few minutes to listen to Family
and Consumer Sciences Agent, Julie Goings and her guest, as they discuss the pros
and cons of renting and buying and what you need to consider before making that big
Maybe you’ve heard Brad Paisley’s song, All I Wanted Was a Car, and thought that you could work hard and save up to buy your first car. The cost
of a car doesn’t stop once you’ve paid for the car… there’s maintenance, gas and of
course, insurance. Join Alison Crane, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and her guest,
Anna Crane, as they discuss what you need to know when purchasing car insurance and
how to save money.
For more information you can download the brochure provided by the Arkansas Insurance Department at
Buying your first car can be a little scary. For many people, buying a car is their
first major purchase. Cars are expensive and so is maintenance and insurance, you
want to make a wise choice and get a car that you can be proud of and will last. On
today's Grown Up U episode, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, Mary Ann Kizer, and
Agriculture Agent, Kurt Beaty, discuss everything you need to consider and check when
buying a new or used car.
A major part of being an adult is paying bills. Following our practical steps to bill
paying can help you track your expenses and give you some real peace of mind that
your bills are being paid on time and you are keeping your credit in good standing.
Listen to Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, Rachel Cheney and Pamela Luker, as
they share their own personal experiences with paying bills and how to avoid the pitfalls
of late fees and shut-off notices.
Have you thought about what to do with your hard earned money? Do you have questions
about whether you should open an account at a bank? In today's podcast you can join
FCS agents, Julie Goings and Valerie Turner, and their guest, Dana Worstell from Southern
Bankcorp, as they discuss what you need to know about setting up an account and why
you should keep your money in a bank.
Where did the year go? Have you been saving all year for your Christmas purchases?
Be ahead of the game! Start with a holiday budget.
Join Mary Ann Kizer, Family & Consumer Sciences Agent, and AEHC Delta District Director,
Dot Hart, as they share tips for planning your holiday budget that will help you to
enjoy all of the festivities without stressing about how you are going to pay for
it later.
Just because your grades aren't the highest, it does not mean you aren't eligible
for scholarships and just because you have great grades, it does not mean you will
automatically win the scholarship. Listen to Family and Consumer Sciences agents,
Valerie Turner and Julie Goings, as they discuss how it takes more than grades to
get the scholarship. You might find out you have more going for you than you think
or at least learn a few areas to improve!
College is expensive and for most students scholarships are a must, but the whole
process can be super intimidating. Our easy to follow tips for finding scholarships
and filling them out can take away some of the stress. (By the way, the Cooperative
Extension Service has several scholarship opportunities across the state of Arkansas.
Contact your county Extension office to learn more.)
Part 1: Lost Keys
"Where, oh, where has my little _____ gone? Oh, where could it be?" Before this is
you, singing this sad song, you might need a little talk about the costs involved
in losing your stuff and in case, you have already lost something we'll give you some
great advice for how to replace it. Join Amy Monk, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent,
and her son, Will, as they discuss the surprising costs of losing your keys and how
to keep up with them in the future.
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Listen to Episode 9 Part 1 Teaser
Part 2: Lost Wallet
There is a sickening feeling that accompanies the realization that you have lost your wallet or purse. In Part 2 of The Cost of Losing Your Stuff, Amy Monk, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, and her son, Will, discuss what to do if you lose your wallet and how to replace your important cards and documents.
Do you have hopes and dreams that you want to achieve? Making those goals a reality
starts with time management. Join FCS agents, Casey Ford and Charla Hammonds, as they
share winning strategies for using your time in a way that aligns with your goals.
We guarantee it will be a good use of your time!
Got stress? Today's podcast by Mary Ann Kizer, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent
in Jefferson County, shares resources for managing stress. Join Mary Ann and her guest,
Dot Hart, as they talk about ways to overcome stress from our Extension handout,
Managing Stress: Turning Challenges into Blessings. After listening to our podcast,
visit our website to download a copy of the handout to learn more ways to handle stress
at Managing Stress: Turning Challenges into Blessings (
Woohoo! You've just received a refund check from your student financial aid! Before you
go on a spending spree, there are a few thing that you need to consider. On today's episode
of Grown Up U, Alison Crane, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, will talk about the
educational and living expenses that your refund is meant to cover and how to budget
it wisely so that you can actually afford to stay in school.
It can be challenging to try to navigate interpersonal interactions - especially if
you find yourself in a new place or tend to be shy or socially awkward. Join Alison
Crane and her guest, Conner Shipman, as they discuss the physical and verbal clues
that happen during conversations or social interactions. Learn tips for how to improve
your ability to read social cues and ways to become more comfortable in social settings,
both personal and professional.
Managing relationships isn’t just about family and friends. You spend most of your
day with co-workers or even live with college roommates. Cultivating these relationships
from the start in a positive way means you are on the fast track to personal and professional
success. Today’s podcast presented by agents, Rachel Chaney and Pamela Luker, will
be the emotionally intelligent guide you need for building the basis of healthy habits
in the workplace and dorm room.
So, you are going to move into your first apartment or house and you need to signup
for utilities but aren't sure how to get started. Join FCS agent, Amy Monk, and her
son Will as they discuss what Will needs to do to have the power, internet, etc.
turned on in his new apartment.

Moving into a new place creates a long To Do list. Today, we are going to look at
five things that need to be done after you have moved whether you have left home for
college or moved out on your own for the first time. Listen as Alison Crane, FCS agent
in Garland County, Arkansas visits her recently graduated daughter, Anna Crane. As
they share some of the things that will help you get established after you have moved
to a new place.
Are you nervous about starting college or starting your first “real world” job? If
so, start listening to Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, Pamela Luker and Rachel
Chaney, as they share some tips to make the transition from high school to college
or to your first job a little easier. (By the way, we're a little nervous about starting
up our podcast series, so we can totally relate!)