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Fit in 10 Exercise Classes 

Research studies recommend that adults and senior adults should perform a minimum of 150 minutes a week of exercise. This physical activity should include the four main categories exercise:

  1. stretchingFit in 10 Logo
  2. balance
  3. endurance
  4. strength

"Fit in 10" is a research-based collection of physical activity resources including the "Increasing Physical Activity as We Age" Fact Sheets, posters, and an exercise DVD.

Order fact sheets and posters on our on-line ordering system

Exercise Recommendations

The benefits of regular exercise for people of all ages have been well established in the literature. Regular physical activity and exercise are associated with decreased risk of death and/or disability from pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and pulmonary disease. It is also associated with positive psychological benefits such as decreased depression and improved quality of life.

Learn About Exercise Recommendations


Stretching exercises keep your body flexible by stretching the muscles and tissues that hold your body structures together. Stretching is not only recommended to prevent injuries but also to recover from injuries.

Discover How Stretching Can Improve Workouts


Balance exercises build up your leg muscles and/or focus on your stability. These exercises help prevent falls, a major cause of broken hips and other injuries that often lead to disability and loss of independence.

Learn How to Improve Your Balance


Endurance or aerobic exercise increases your breathing and heart rate, which improves the health of your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Increased endurance keeps you healthier and improves stamina for daily activities.

Learn More About Endurance

Strength Training

Strength training or weight lifting makes you stronger by building muscle. This increased strength allows you to perform daily activities on your own.

Learn How Strength Training Can Increase Independence


Sample Exercise Routines


Strength Training with Stretch Tubes

Resistance tubes offer numerous exercise options. Whether being used for adding muscle tone, muscle strength, burning fat or simply increasing flexibility, resistance tubes are a very easy way to add something different to your daily exercise routine or to start a workout routine.

Learn more: Strength Training with Stretch Tubes

Download our Stretch Tubes Poster

Strength Training with Medicine Balls

Strength training for health is, for the most part, very different than body building. Medicine balls are an effective strength training tool for building core strength. This includes your abdominal muscles and your lower back. Medicine ball exercises can involve twisting, turning and bending motions that may not get incorporated into traditional strength training exercises.

Learn Strength Training with Medicine Balls

Download the Strength Training with Medicine Balls Poster

How Food and Fitness Fit Together

Eating Healthy as You Age

Your body changes as you age, but those changes don't have to lead to health problems or limit your independence, energy or enthusiasm for the activities you enjoy. By making healthy lifestyle choices, you can prevent certain health problems and keep chronic conditions from getting worse. Combined with physical activity, eating nutritious foods in the right amounts can help keep you healthy.

Learn the Importance of Eating Healthy as You Age

Order our fact Sheets and posters from our on-line ordering system



