What is Walk Across Arkansas?
It's an 8-week, team-based exercise program. The recommended team size is 3-8, but the maximum team size is 30 people. Each team sets physical activity goals and tries to meet them with a little friendly competition.
Walk Across Arkansas is an easy, free way to get active while spending time with your friends and family!
When and how do I sign up?
The Walk Across Arkansas campaign happens twice a year in the spring and fall.
Spring 2025 registration opens February 24, 2025!
Walking takes place March 10 - May 4.
What's involved?
Get a together a team of at least 3 members and record the number of minutes you spend being physically active each day. Any moderate to vigorous physical activity (the type that increases your heart rate) counts.

Who can participate?
Anyone! Some suggestions of team categories:
- Families
- Worksites
- Teachers
- Youth (under age 18)
- Seniors (65+)
- Faith-based members
- General (a combination of above)
Each team needs a captain. Team captains can report for the team or individual team
members can report.
How do I record my minutes?
You can log your minutes online at walk.uada.eduby logging in with your username and password that you create when you register, or
you can contact your county Extension agent for more information and forms.
Are other activities allowed?
Of course! You can do any type of physical activity as long as you increase your heart
rate or break a sweat.
Do I have to exercise with my team?
No. However, we encourage families and members of the same household to do activities
together to count their minutes.
What if I don’t have a team?
Contact your local county Extension office to be placed with other group members.
How will this program benefit me?
Most of our participants enjoy the camaraderie and extra motivation from their team members. We have also learned that many of our participants:
- Increased their energy
- Slept better
- Reduced their stress
- Strengthened relationships
- Improved blood pressure
- Improved blood panels
- Lost weight or inches
Walk Across Arkansas With Us!
Fall 2024 Walk Across Arkansas Winners
- MC Roadrunners - MC Sr. Center - Marion County
- Happy Feet - Ashley County
- Willing Walkers - Jefferson County
- GretchenA - Izard County
- Eagle Walkers - Hot Spring County
- Stepping Heart Friends - Jefferson County
- Chips & Walkamole - Lincoln County
- Jackson Co Seniors - Jackson County
- Carlisle Bison - Lonoke County
- Farmington Get Fit - Washington County
- Happy Feet - Ashley County
- Willing Walkers - Jefferson County
- Stepping Heart Friends - Jefferson County
- Chips & Walkamole - Lincoln County
- Jackson Co Seniors - Jackson County
- Eagle Walkers - Hot Spring County
- Miller Movers - Miller County
- Texarkana Girls with Goals - Miller County
- Pike County Steppers - Pike County
- Pricillalian Solegers - Montgomery County
- MC Roadrunners - MC Sr. Center - Marion County
- Ladies and the Tramps - Benton County
- Farmington Get Fit - Washington County
- Pope County Power Walkers - Pope County
- Beachy - Baxter County
- Carlisle Bison - Lonoke County
- ninja turtles - Lonoke County
- Performers - Yell County
- The Dream Team - Lonoke County
- Pricillalian Solegers - Montgomery County
- Walk and Roll - Yell County
- Snack Attack - Yell County
- The Marathoners - Yell County
- Willing Walkers - Jefferson County
- Stepping Heart Friends - Jefferson County
- Sunny Side Up - Drew County
- Walkin On Sunshing - Jefferson County
- Boles EH Club - Scott County
- EH Steppers - Howard County
- Clark County Diehards - Clark County
- Calhoun County - Calhoun County
- Grant County Fitness Trackers - Grant County
- Ladies and the Tramp - Benton County
- Pope County Power Walkers - Pope County
- Walking Stars - Benton County
- Yell County EHC - Yell County
- LRSO Walking Dead - LRSO
- Moving FCS' Fatty Acids - LRSO
- Montgomery County Crystals - Montgomery County
- Pulaski Pacers - Pulaski County
- Chicot Cruisers - Chicot County
- Bust A Move - Washington County
- Heck Yeah! - LRSO
- Annex Walkers - Washington County
- Cross County Extension - Cross County
- Little River - Little River County
Spring 2024 Walk Across Arkansas Winners
- Willing Workers of White Hall - Jefferson County
- Chips and Walkamole - Lincoln County
- UAM Taylor Library - Drew County
- Farmington Get Fit - Washington County
- Get To Step n - Crawford County
- Walk A Daisies - Jefferson County
- Pope County Power Walkers - Pope County
- Walking Talkies - Hot Spring County
- White Hall Willing Workers - Jefferson County
- Boles EH Club - Scott County
- Willing Workers of White Hall - Jefferson County
- Chips and Walkamole - Lincoln County
- UAM Taylor Library - Drew County
- Walk A Daisies - Jefferson County
- White Hall Willing Workers - Jefferson County
- Walking Talkies - Hot Spring County
- Boles EH Club - Scott County
- C.C. Diehards - Clark County
- Pisgah EHC Ladies - Pike County
- Talkie Walkies - Hot Spring County
- Farmington Get Fit - Washington County
- Get To Step n - Crawford County
- Pope County Power Walkers - Pope County
- Serentripity - Washington County
- The Green Hornets - Crawford County
- Willing Workers of White Hall - Jefferson County
- Walk A Daisies - Jefferson County
- White Hall Willing Workers - Jefferson County
- Hearty Walkers II - Jefferson County
- Boles EH Club - Scott County
- C.C. Diehards - Clark County
- Pisgah EHC Ladies - Pike County
- Grant County Fitness Trackers - Grant County
- EH Steppers - Howard County
- Pope County Power Walkers - Pope County
- Serentripity - Washington County
- Ladies and the Tramp - Benton County
- Walking Stars - Benton
- Miller Movers - Miller County
- Montgomery County Mighty Movers - Montgomery County
- Walking for the Weekend - Dallas County
- Chicot Runners - Chicot County
- Heck Yeah! - Little Rock State Office
- Walk this Way - Washington County
- Pike Co. Extension - Pike County
- Dodrio - Little Rock State Office
- Union County Walkers - Union County