Arkansas Vaccine Toolkit | Community & Health Provider Resources
Are you a pharmacist, healthcare provider, or community health worker looking to improve your ability to discuss immunizations with patients, community members, or even family members? Our comprehensive online training course is designed just for you!
In a time when vaccine hesitancy and misinformation are on the rise, it's critical for healthcare professionals to communicate the importance of immunizations with confidence and clarity. This course provides essential skills and knowledge to engage in meaningful conversations, helping patients make informed decisions about their health.
Sign up for this free course today!
You will need to create a Learn account before you can access the course.
Visit the course and create your account!
Vaccine Education Toolkit
Access our comprehensive suite of free, downloadable resources designed to support your organization's vaccine education efforts. These evidence-based materials have been developed to help you communicate effectively about vaccines with your community.
Printable Resources
Our collection of free, professionally designed materials ready for download and printing. These evidence-based resources are perfect for healthcare settings, community events, and educational outreach. Each item has been developed in collaboration with public health experts to ensure accuracy and accessibility.
To download these resources:
- Click on the desired image or resource title
- When the full-size version appears, right-click (or press and hold on mobile devices)
- Select 'Save image as' or 'Download image'
- Choose where to save the file on your device
- Learn. Understand. Decide. about Vaccines (tri-fold brochure - English)
- Learn. Understand. Decide. about Vaccines (tri-fold brochure - Spanish)
- What is a vaccine? (5.5” x 8.5” - English)
- What is a vaccine? (5.5" x 8.5" - Spanish)
- Where do I find vaccines? (5.5” x 8.5” - English)
- Where do I find vaccines? (5.5" x 8.5" - Spanish)
- Do I need a flu vaccination? (5.5” x 8.5” - English)
- Do I need a flu vaccination? (5.5" x 8.5" - Spanish)
Social Media Resources
Enhance your digital outreach with our ready-to-use social media toolkit. Each downloadable package includes optimized graphics paired with carefully crafted messaging to effectively communicate key vaccine information across platforms. These materials are designed to address common questions, combat misinformation, and encourage informed decision-making.
Each social media resource includes:
- A downloadable image (click on the image, then right-click to save)
- Ready-to-use caption text that can be copied and pasted directly into your post
- Suggested hashtags to increase visibility
To use these resources:
- Download the image by clicking and saving it to your device
- Copy the provided caption text beneath each image
- Create a new post on your preferred platform
- Upload the saved image
- Paste the caption text (customize as needed for your audience)
- Add the suggested hashtags if appropriate for your platform
- Schedule or publish your post"
Learn. Understand. Decide. about Vaccines
These versatile materials can be implemented in two ways:
- Coordinated Campaign: Deploy as a cohesive week-long series, with each post building upon previous messaging for maximum educational impact.
- Standalone Posts: Use individual graphics and messages as needed to address specific topics or complement your existing content calendar.
Introduction/Closing to Social Media Campaign (not required)
Vaccines protect us, our loved ones, and our community. Over the next few weeks, we’ll help you LEARN the facts, UNDERSTAND their importance, and DECIDE confidently regarding vaccines. Stay tuned!
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#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity
Today’s focus is on LEARNING the essentials. How do vaccines protect you? Swipe to learn the science behind vaccines and why they’re crucial for your health.
Ready to learn more? Save this post for easy reference!
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UNDERSTAND how vaccines create a ripple effect of protection! When you get vaccinated, you’re not just protecting yourself—you’re helping safeguard those who can’t get vaccinated. Learn how community immunity works.
Tag a friend who needs to know this!
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Ready to DECIDE? Whether it’s flu season or a routine vaccine, here’s how you can confidently choose what’s right for you. Find local vaccine providers and talk to your doctor about the vaccines you need.
Need more info? Reach out to us for guidance or find a clinic near you!
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Learning, understanding, and deciding—together, these steps help you protect yourself and others. Let’s make informed decisions and keep our communities healthy. Share this series with someone who could benefit!
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#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity
You may be wondering, “What is a vaccine?”
A vaccine is a tiny, weakened, non-dangerous fragment of the organism and includes parts of the antigen (the subpart of a bacteria that causes disease within the body and causes the formation of antibodies). It’s enough that our body can learn to build a specific antibody. Then if the body encounters the real antigen later, as part of the real organism, it already knows how to defeat it. This weakened version will not cause the disease in the person receiving the vaccine, but it will prompt their immune system to respond much as it would have on its first reaction to the actual pathogen.
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How do vaccines work?
1. A vaccine introduces a weak part of a germ into the body. This is known as an “antigen”.
2. Once it is inside the body, the immune system is alerted. Then, the body trains itself to remember and fight the germ.
3. The body is ready when it is exposed to a real virus or bacteria in the future. It will protect the body’s health.
The signs that a vaccine is working are tiredness, achiness, and fever. These are signs that your immune system is making memories.
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There are three main types of vaccines –
mRNA-mRNA is a molecule that tells our bodies to make proteins. mRNA in vaccines tells our cells to make harmless proteins just like those on the virus.
Protein Subunit - Protein subunit vaccines contain harmless pieces of proteins unique to the virus the vaccine is preventing.
Vector - Vector vaccines use another virus that has been made safe to deliver material that tells our cells to make harmless proteins unique to the virus the vaccine is preventing.
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What is herd/population immunity?
When people are immune to a disease, it cannot be spread. Population immunity protects entire communities and is especially needed to protect those unable to get the vaccination themselves, like young children and people with medical conditions. The higher the level of immunity, the larger the benefit. This is why it is important to get as many people as possible vaccinated. By vaccinating most people, we can protect our entire community from diseases. If enough people choose not to vaccinate, it leaves an opening for disease to break through and spread. It’s important for everyone to take part in protecting all members of our community.
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Why do ‘boosters’ exist for vaccines?
For some vaccines, our bodies need a reminder of what viruses it needs to protect against. Boosters can help you maintain immunity against viruses that can change over time. For example, Flu viruses change quickly. Last year's vaccine may not protect you from this year's viruses. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly changing flu viruses.
When you get vaccinated, your immune system makes antibodies to protect you from the viruses included in the vaccine. But antibody levels may decline over time, which is another reason to get a flu shot every year.
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Why are flu shots important?
Flu viruses change quickly. Last year's vaccine may not protect you from this year's viruses. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly changing flu viruses. When you get vaccinated, your immune system makes antibodies to protect you from the viruses included in the vaccine. But antibody levels may decline over time, which is another reason to get a flu shot every year.
The flu vaccine prevents the risk of getting the flu and reduces how severe the flu illness is. The flu vaccine is also proven to reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalization. Flu vaccines are also an important tool for people with various chronic health conditions. Vaccinating yourself may also protect people around you, including those more vulnerable to serious flu, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #LearnAboutVaccines
Do I need a flu vaccination? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
yearly seasonal influenza vaccinations for everyone age 6 months or older who doesn't
have a medical reason to avoid the vaccine.
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Why is this year’s flu vaccine focusing on fewer strains?
The US is changing its flu vaccines for the 2024-2025 season. Instead of using four-component vaccines (which protect against four different flu viruses), the new vaccines will have three components. This change is happening because one of the flu viruses, called B/Yamagata, hasn’t been seen since 2020. So, it’s no longer needed in the vaccine. The new three-component (trivalent) vaccines will still protect against the most common flu viruses: two types of influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) and one type of influenza B. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #UnderstandAboutVaccines
Why do we continue to vaccinate?
Viruses and bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be passed on to those who are unvaccinated and unprotected. While many preventable diseases are no longer common in the US, global travel makes them easy to spread. Like eating healthy foods and exercising, vaccines help play a vital role in keeping you healthy. Vaccines are one of the safest preventive measures available. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #UnderstandAboutVaccines
How can getting vaccinated protect not just you but those around you? Vaccines create
a shield for the most vulnerable community members!
A vaccine protects the person immunized and decreases the spread of that disease to others. Some people can never get vaccinated. Children with illnesses such as leukemia, other cancers, heart problems, or even some kids with asthma are too sick to get some vaccines. Some teens, adults, and elderly can also be too sick to get protection with vaccination. Some vaccines can’t be given to babies or the elderly because of their age, leaving them defenseless to diseases. By vaccinating on time, we build a community of immunity around babies and grandparents so they have a fighting chance. The immunity gained from vaccination is similar to a natural infection without the risk of a natural disease. In fact, studies show that vaccinated children suffer fewer infections overall than unvaccinated children. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #UnderstandAboutVaccines
Can vaccines cause the disease they are supposed to prevent?
No, vaccines cannot cause the disease they are meant to prevent. Some vaccines use dead or weakened germs so they cannot make you sick. Instead, they help your immune system prepare to fight the real disease if you’re exposed.
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Do vaccines have side effects?
Any vaccine can cause side effects. For the most part these are minor (for example, a sore arm or low-grade fever) and go away within a few days. Vaccines are continually monitored for safety, and like any medication, vaccines can cause side effects. You can read more here - or at
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #UnderstandAboutVaccines
What would happen if we stopped vaccination?
Ultimately, society would be very different in a world without vaccines. There would be a lot more sickness in the world, and this would affect the average lifespan and population size. More sickness would spawn in dense cities, so more people may choose to live outside of cities, which would affect the economy. Travel to other countries may bring more risk of infection, so nations may elect to become more isolated. Without vaccines, society would suffer. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #UnderstandAboutVaccines
So, you have decided to get vaccinated; where do you go to get a vaccine? Vaccines
may be available at private doctor offices, pharmacies, workplaces, community health
clinics, health departments, or other community locations, such as schools and religious
centers. helps you find pharmacies and their contact information. Since each location handles appointments differently and vaccine availability can vary, you’ll need to contact the pharmacy directly to schedule your appointment and confirm they have the vaccine in stock.
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #DecideAboutVaccines
How do I talk to my doctor about vaccines?
You should consider your doctor the most trusted source for health information. If you have questions about vaccines, having an open and honest conversation with them can help you go from curious to confident about vaccination. As you get ready for your appointment, write down your questions and bring them with you.
You can also find out which vaccines are recommended for you by age and other factors through credible sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over time you may face new questions and misinformation about vaccines. Keep asking questions and rely on trusted experts like your doctor or pharmacist. They’ll know your health history and can also discuss any concerns you may have about vaccination. By staying engaged and curious, you can remain confident in choosing to vaccinate. You can read more here -
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Don’t let the cost of vaccines be a reason not to get vaccinated - most vaccines are
covered by health insurance! Reach out to a pharmacy to confirm they take your insurance.
You can also contact your insurance plan, or Medicare or Medicaid, to confirm vaccine
coverage. Most vaccinations are covered by health insurance. You can read more here
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #DecideAboutVaccines
You may be asking yourself, “How do I decide if a vaccine is right for me?” Here are
a few tips to help guide you:
- Talk to your doctor or your pharmacist – they can help you make informed decisions about your personal health.
- Check the facts - CDC Vaccine Recommendations are a trusted resource to understand when to vaccinate and what vaccines prevent against
- Weigh the Benefits vs. Risks – Vaccines are designed to prevent serious diseases and protect both you and your community. Your healthcare provider can help you evaluate the potential benefits and any rare side effects.
Your health is in your hands! 💪 Use the best information and resources to make the right decision for you. You can read more here -
#LearnUnderstandDecide #VaccinatewithConfidence #ImmunityinARCommunity #DecideAboutVaccines
How do I record my vaccines?
Our vaccination record (sometimes called your immunization record) provides a history of all the vaccines you received as a child and adult. This record may be required for certain jobs, travel abroad, or school registration. The records that exist are the ones you or your parents were given when the vaccines were administered and the ones in the medical record of the doctor or clinic where the vaccines were given.
If you need official copies of vaccination records, or if you need to update your personal records, there are several places you can look:
- Ask parents or other caregivers if they have records of your childhood immunizations.
- Try looking through baby books or other saved documents from your childhood.
- Check with your high school and/or college health services for dates of any immunizations. Keep in mind that generally, records are kept only for 1-2 years after students leave the system.
- Check with previous employers (including the military) who may have required immunizations.
- Check with your doctor or public health clinic. Keep in mind that vaccination records are maintained at the doctor's office for a limited number of years.
- Contact your state's health department. Some states have registries (Immunization Information Systems) that include adult vaccines.
Ask your doctor, pharmacist, or other vaccine provider for an immunization record form, or download and use this form. Bring this record with you to health visits and ask your vaccine provider to sign and date the form for each vaccine you receive. That way, you can be sure that the immunization information is current and correct. You can read more here -
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What do I do if I miss a vaccine?
Staying up to date on vaccines is one of the most important ways you can help protect yourself and those around you. But we know there are many factors that might keep you or your family member from getting vaccinated. Catching up on missed vaccinations may feel overwhelming, but it’s not too late to get back on track. You may need more than a single visit to catch up, depending on what vaccines were missed, the person’s age, medical conditions, or other special situations. During your visit, your doctor will outline what you can expect. Some vaccines require a certain amount of time between doses, also known as minimum intervals. Your doctor can outline a CDC-recommended plan that documents the routine and missed vaccines you or your family member needs, and the time needed between doses so you get caught up as soon as possible.
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Where can I get trusted vaccine information?
If you’re deciding if vaccination is right for you, talk to healthcare providers and pharmacists you trust. The decision is personal; educate yourself. Don’t miss your shot to learn the facts. You can read more here -
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Coming Soon: Misinformation Response
We're currently developing a specialized Misinformation Response Toolkit to complement our existing resources. This new collection will address common vaccine misconceptions with clear, evidence-based information presented in a balanced, non-judgmental tone.