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Family & Consumer Sciences


FY2025 Goal# 1 Foods & Nutrition: General Nutrition:Improve diet quality and physical activity habits among Arkansans. Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 1 General Nutrition - Meal Preparation & Cooking Instruction: Adult participants will increase meal preparation techniques that support improved diet quality through interactive food preparation and/or cooking instruction (Programs include, but not limited to, Mediterranean Cuisine or DASH Diet Cooking School). Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 2 General Nutrition - Eating & Lifestyle Behaviors: Adult participants will adopt eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with healthy weight through participation in Extension healthy weight programs (Programs include, but not limited to, Reshape Yourself Without Shame or Renew You). Specialist Contact: TDB

Obj.# 3 General Nutrition - Healthy Eating Patterns & Physical Activity Habits: Adult participants will adopt eating patterns and physical activity habits that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans or MyPlate through participation in general nutrition programming (General Nutrition programs not covered in Obj or Obj#2 for Adults). Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 4 General Nutrition Programs Youth: Youth participants will adopt eating patterns and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans or MyPlate (General Nutrition programs not covered under SNAP-Ed or EFNEP for Youth). Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 5 General Nutrition - Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) changes: Adults and youth will have greater access to healthy foods as related to general nutrition PSE activities and initiatives (Non-SNAP-Ed,non-EFNEP, non-External Grant funded). Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 6 FCS programming including Food and Nutrition Education contributes to an increased food security and/or an improvement in the quality of life of Arkansans. (Everyone is encouraged to report on this objective regardless of program areas.)

FY2025 Goal# 2 EFNEP & SNAP-Ed: Increase nutrition knowledge,diet quality, food resource management, food safety, food security, and physical activity among individuals, youth, and families with limited resources. Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 1 EFNEP Adult: Adult participants will adopt eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and improve food security through participation in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Directions: All EFNEP Outcome data will be pulled from WebNEERS and entered by the specialists. Specialist contact: TBD

Obj.# 2 EFNEP Youth: Youth participants will adopt eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and improve food security through participation in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Directions: All EFNEP Outcome data will be pulled from WebNEERS and entered by the specialists. Specialist contact: TBD

Obj.# 3 Ed Adult: Adults participants will increase knowledge and/or adopt one or more eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate and healthy weight. Directions: All SNAP-Ed Outcome data will be pulled from PEARS and entered by the specialists. Specialist Contact: TDB

Obj.# 4 Ed Youth: Youth participants will increase knowledge and/or adopt one or more eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate and healthy weight. Directions: All SNAP-Ed Outcome data will be pulled from PEARS and entered by the specialists. Specialist Contact: TDB

Obj.# 5 Ed PSE Change Efforts: Community partners will make policy, systems and environmental (PSE) changes to improve access to safe and healthy food and physical activity for participants and other community members. Directions: All SNAP-Ed Outcome data will be pulled from PEARS and entered by the specialists. Specialist Contact: TBD

Obj.# 6 FCS programming including SNAP Ed and EFNEP contribute to an increased food security and/or an improvement in the quality of life of Arkansans. (Everyone is encouraged to report on this objective regardless of program areas.)

Obj.# 1 Food Safety: Adult and youth participants will adopt practices to reduce incidence of foodborne illness. Program Associate contact: Quadarius Whitson:
Directions: Agents report output and outcome data for general food safety classes other than EFNEP. Food Safety outcome data will be pulled from WebNEERS for EFNEP adults and youth and entered by the specialists.

Obj.# 2 Food Preservation - Consumer: Adult participants will adopt safe food preservation practices. Program Associate contact: Quadarius Whitson:
Directions: Agents report output and outcome data for general food preservation classes.

Obj.# 3 Food Processing - Industry: Existing companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs will adopt recommended food processing and safety principles through participation in educational programs. Specialist contact: Bill Potter,

FY2025 Goal# 4 Extension Homemakers To empower Arkansas Extension Homemakers members to improve quality of life through continuing education, leadership development, and community service. Specialist Contact: Laura Hendrix,

Obj.# 1 Arkansas Extension Homemakers

Obj.# 1 Extension Get Fit Exercise Programs- Adults will increase physical activity levels and improve their quality of life through participation in Extension physical activity programs. Program Contact: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 2 Extension Get Fit Agent Trainers - Agent Trainers will train volunteers and agents in the Extension Get Fit program to increase physical activity levels and improve quality of life through participation in Extension physical activity programs. Program Contact: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 3 Move with Ease – Adults will improve their health or chronic disease condition, increase physical activity levels, and improve their quality of life through Extension physical activity programs. Program Contact: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 4 Walk Across Arkansas - Adults will increase physical activity levels and improve their quality of life through participation in Extension physical activity programs. Program Contact: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 5 Non-Specified Physical Activity Education - Adults will increase physical activity levels and improve their quality of life through participation in physical activity programs. Program Contact: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 1  Keys to Health - Participants will adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors that reduce the risks of chronic diseases. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 2  Health Literacy - Participants will increase knowledge and/or awareness and adopt one or more skills to increase personal health literacy. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 3  Immunizations & Vaccination - Participants will increase knowledge and/or adopt vaccine uptake to contribute to preventing illness and disease. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 4  Rethink Your Drink - Participants will adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors such as reducing sugar intake after this program to help reduce the risk of nutrition-related chronic disease. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 5  Special Issues in Health - Adults will adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors through participation in health programs not specified in other objectives. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 6  Health & Wellness - Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Changes - Youth and Adults will increase physical activity levels through agents’ implementation of changes to the physical activity environment. (Non-SNAPEd, non-EFNEP, non-External Grant Funded). Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 1  Extension Health Ambassadors - These volunteers will use the knowledge gained to help increase the visibility of Extension and Public Health by using their role to reach broader and more diverse audiences with Extension programming. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 2  Arkansas High Obesity Program - To improve/enhance access to nutritious foods and/or physical activity. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,  (STATE-LEVEL REPORTING ONLY)

Obj.# 3  EXCITE Grant Programs - To improve vaccine education resources to rural communities through agent education and communications for non-corporate pharmacies to assist in relieving vaccine fatigue and improving vaccine uptake. Specialist: Jessica Vincent,

Obj.# 4  FCS programming including Health and Wellness programs contribute to an increased food security and/or an improvement in the quality of life of Arkansans. (Everyone is encouraged to report on this objective regardless of program areas)

Financial Resource Management: To equip youth and adults with knowledge, skills, and motivation to build financial security. Specialist Contact: Laura Hendrix,

Obj.# 1 To equip adults with knowledge and skills needed to practice recommended individual and family resource management practices including, but not limited to: goal setting, income statements, expense plans, financial record keeping, consumer skills, insurance and asset protection, credit management, consumer protection, saving and investing, estate planning, and disaster preparedness. Specialist Contact: Laura Hendrix,

Obj.# 2 To equip youth with knowledge and skills needed to practice recommended individual and family resource management practices including, but not limited to: goal setting, income statements, expense plans, financial record keeping, consumer skills, insurance and asset protection, credit management, consumer protection, saving and investing, and estate planning. Specialist Contact: Laura Hendrix,

Obj.# 3 Annie's Project Education for Arkansas Women in Farm and Ranch Enterprises - To empower women to improve farm and ranch operations through continuing education and development of skills in the five areas of risk as identified by USDA: financial, human resources, legal, marketing, and production. Specialist Contact: Laura Hendrix,

Obj # 1 Provide training and resources to help Arkansans improve their PERSONAL WELLBEING & MENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION. Specialist Contact: Brittney Schrick,

Obj. # 2 Provide training and resources to help Arkansans improve their MARRIAGE AND COUPLE RELATIONSHIPS. Specialist Contact: Brittney Schrick,, Rebecca Simon,

Obj.# 3  Provide training and resources to help Arkansans improve their PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIPS. Specialist Contact: Brittney Schrick,, Rebecca Simon,

Obj.# 4  Provide training and resources to help Arkansas CHILD CARE PROVIDERS better care for children. Specialist Contact: Rebecca Simon,, Ashley Foster,, and Amy Cofer,

Directions: For Best Care, Best Care Connected, Guiding Children Successfully and Best Care Out-of-School Time, agents should only report their time and contacts. All outcome indicators will be entered by the specialists.

Obj.# 5  SAgE Farm Stress Management & Community Mental Health Training Provide training and resources to address stress management and mental health training needs of farmers, ranchers, and other agriculture workers and their communities. (SPECIALIST ONLY). Specialist Contact: Brittney Schrick,; Laura Grutz,


