Spring Landscaping
Spring Lawn Care
Follow our monthly tips to start your lawn of right this spring!

When using any gas-powered equipment, be sure to allow the engine a few minutes to
cool before refilling empty fuel tanks during hotter days.
Apply the second herbicide for controlling wild onions or garlic if in your yard. 2,4-D or one of the three-way herbicides (Trimec or Triplet) may be used with the first application made in November, and then in March, with the final cleanup application made in November.
- Cut back all warm season ornamental grasses to a few inches above ground. Cool season ornamental grass such as blue fescue may need tips cut back which were winter burned. Cut back all liriope as close to the ground as possible before new growth begins.
- Apply crabgrass preventers before April 15. Do not apply to areas that will be seeded.
- Fertilize young trees or mature trees that are struggling. If trees are growing in a lawn that is regularly fertilized, there is no need to fertilize them separately.
- Plant a warm-season (zoysia or Bermuda) lawn in May to mid-June. If you are planting Bermuda by seed, use the hulled seed at this time or year. You can seed with un-hulled seed in the fall. Wait until fall for cool-season grasses like fescue.
For more information, contact your local county Extension office.