Easter Lily
(July 2007)
I need your help. Would it hurt the bulbs of my Easter lilies if I cut the tops now?
They are leaning over the edge of the flowerbed and I want to thin the monkey grass
that is a border.
Trim as little as possible until the foliage begins to decline. The Easter lilies
normally bloom in late May or June and use the next few months producing food for
next years growth and flowers. Don't cut them all the way off, but you can tidy up
without doing much damage.
(April 2006)
I received the most beautiful white Easter lily this week and would love to be able
to have it in the landscape permanently. Is that possible? If so, where is the best
location and when should I plant it? Are there any special treatments to give it to
make sure it lives?
Easter lilies are easy plants to grow in the Arkansas landscape. They will multiply
each season and bloom beautifully, usually in June each year. Enjoy the flowers as
long as they are pretty in the pot, then immediately plant in the garden. Leave the
foliage in tact, but cut off the spent flower. Let the foliage grow until it begins
to die back. This may occur rather quickly since the plant has been forced, but you
often see some new leaves growing back later in the season. The best location is full
sun - minimum of 6-8 hours and a well drained site. Add some organic matter to the
soil, fertilize once or twice a season and water when dry, and you should be able
to enjoy them for years to come.
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