General Information
October 8, 2016
Have you any news on Monarchs passing through? I have only seen one this year. I have
butterfly weed and other flowering plants they like. Last year we had Monarch caterpillars
and were thrilled to watch them through their entire cycle. But we have seen nothing
so far this year. I live in Sherwood.
They were late arriving in my garden this year, but I started seeing larvae and butterflies
in mid-September and this weekend I saw plenty of butterflies in my garden and other
yards. I hope you are experiencing the same. Plant a diverse mix of flowers for
butterflies and bees, and monitor your pesticide usage.
November 2014
Would you please tell me where I can purchase milkweed (seeds/and or plants) to plant
now for the monarch butterflies? Any information would be appreciated!
Most nurseries carry the plants in the growing season. They may have some plants
available now. You are a bit late with seeds, especially as cold as it has gotten.
Normally we plant wildflower seeds in mid-October.
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