July 28, 2018
In a recent article, you talk about fertilizers, and how you need to fertilize frequently for plants in containers. Is it OK to use regular dry fertilizer granules, or do you have to use a solution?
You can use either a dry granular fertilizer or a water soluble one. The key is to use it lightly when it is this hot and dry. Make sure with either type you water well. For the granular forms, keep it off the foliage and water after applying. With the liquid forms, water the plant first and then use the water soluble solution. If the plant is too dry it can get burned.
(November 2011)
I have two five foot tall hibiscus plants which I have brought inside. Their trunks
are composed of 3 to 4 intertwined branches and they seem to be healthy. A recent
article of yours said these should be cut back 50% when I put them back out in the
spring. My plants seem more like a tree than a plant. Should they also be cut back
this severely or somewhat less than your suggestion?
Tropical hibiscus plants bloom on new growth. If you don’t cut them back, they don’t
grow as quickly and you don’t get as many flowers. Since yours have braided trunks
and have been tree-formed, you will not cut into the trunks, but you will want to
severely cut the network of branches at the top of the braided trunk. I would also
suggest repotting it when moving it back outside next spring. Both pruning and repotting
should encourage new top growth, which should result in constant flowers. Don’t forget
to fertilize at least monthly once outdoors as well.
(December 2011)
I have two hibiscus plants in pots that I have brought in to the house for the winter.
When should I prune these? How much should they be pruned and should I fertilize
I would suggest pruning them back by at least half in late February through mid March.
You could also wait until you move them back outside, but then the recovery could
be a bit slower. Usually by late February, the day length is getting longer and the
plants have gotten used to indoor conditions, and they begin to put on new growth.
A light application of fertilizer can be put on when you see the new growth. Wait
until April to move them outdoors, and then fertilize every two weeks or so. They
bloom on new growth, so you need to encourage that by repotting, fertilizing and cutting
off old wood.
(July 2010)
I have some petunias planted in urns and a hanging basket. They all have grown over
the edges and are hanging down, which would be beautiful but they are looking ugly
and woody. Is it the hot weather? Should I trim them back, if so how much?
If the hanging baskets aren't large, this often happens to petunias with hot weather.
I think they often do better for home gardeners in the ground. They need a lot of
fertilizer in containers to keep full and healthy. Petunias are heavy feeders in
any situation, but we water pots so much that we leach out the nutrition quickly.
Weekly applications of a water soluble fertilizer are needed for petunias in pots
to look good. Cut them back by half or if the ends look good, add some more plants
to the top of the container to fill in there.
(April 2009)
I would like to try growing a tomato plant in a pot this year. Are there any special
techniques I should try? What about the soil? What mix should I use? This will be
new for me, as I've grown Big Boy in the past, in a small sunny area in my back yard.
I had the idea from a co-worker that has limited space because of apartment living.
Tomatoes are easy to grow in containers, but give yourself a break by planting them
in large enough containers that they don’t need constant water this summer. A minimum
five gallon sized pot is best. Buy a commercial potting soil, instead of using garden
soil. Garden soil tends to be much heavier and can contain contaminates like weed
seeds and insect larvae. If the site is in full sun, you may want to add some of
the water absorbing polymers in with the soil to help it retain moisture. Some potting
soils come with these already added, but regardless, don’t get carried away with them—a
little goes a long way. You can grow indeterminate varieties like Big Boy, and use
tomato stakes or cages just like in the garden, or you can grow the “patio” types
which are really determinate varieties that have a stronger stem but limit the length
of time you harvest. Fertilize at planting with a slow release fertilizer then fertilize
about every two weeks with a water soluble fertilizer. You will need to fertilize
tomatoes grown in containers more often than those in the garden, because you are
watering more often, since container soils dry out quicker due to smaller volume and
elevated status. Watch for insects and diseases, but diseases are usually less of
a problem because you are starting with fresh, sterile soil each season. Mulching
the pot after planting will also aid in moisture retention. As with any tomato, give
them a site that gets at least 6-8 hours of sunlight.
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